PWNA members, What the board been doing?

Chris Detter

New member
Many & great things,

1. Securing certification testing locations throught the US.

2. Finalizing the agenda, classes, speakers, workshops, exhibitors, activities, meals demos etc for Pittsburgh, Pa. Oct 31- Nov3, 2002

3. Building the new PWNA web site, BBS, live chats, contractor referral system, certification and member listings, mentoring help , member and non-member area, store, etc. stay tuned it won't be long.

4. Finalizing Environmental brochures for members to purchase, all members will be sent one and can order if they want. This brochure is really cool, and is designed to promote your pressure washing buisiness. remeber that the more you order the better printing price we all can enjoy.

5. New Board member Kevin Veeneman from Cincinatti, Oh. accepted the nomination as board member. Daryl Mirza tendered his resiganation as treasurer, Paul Horsely accepted the treasurer position.

6.New membership billing system in place.

7. New accounting system is up and running, giving us a more detailed and accurate reporting system.

8. New Safety training program to be offerered at conventions.

9. Finalized Las Vagas convention, March 8-13 2003 Rivera Hotel

10. Finalized location, Dallas, Tx. Feb. 10-15 2004 Hotel inter-continental. This will be a joint convention between IWCA and PWNA.

11. Motion to increase certification from 3 years to 5 years, Board decided to leave all certification at 3 years.

12. Pete Marentay Chairman of the Safety/ certification/environmental committee asked if any members would be willing to help him..If interested please contact Pete at 770-277-6363 ext 23 est. or e-mail at

13. Thinking about developing a past president's advisory board.

14. Membership campaign will be starting soon, we are develping CD rom's and videos of past shows etc to excite people to join our organization.

15. Still building the Vendor discount program, so If your a vendor and wish to join and advertise your product and offer a discount to potential member customers, please contact us.

16. Dues discount program, still working on ways to lower the cost to members, possibly discounts to members with 3 or more years, possibly discounts for going to conventions etc.

These are just a few things in the works, and my way of sharing to the members and non-members what the PWNA is working on.
Any comments may be directed to me at
Thank You Chris Detter
President, PWNA
Wow Chris,

Glad you let us know what’s happening…

My first reaction is sounds like your busy. I would love to have and assignment and would be willing to help.

??? Why did Daryl resign?

My reaction to that president advisory thing would be…. don’t. I could be wrong about this and I realize you know best. Old dogs don’t learn new tricks. They say they can but I don’t believe these dogs could. I would believe that two heads are better than one. In this circumstance I could see that this would be a good thing.

Please form a committee to make all volunteers accountable!!!!!!(Project would get done and those volunteering would produce.)

Chris your doing a wonderful job and I know you work hard.

Hey Thanks Buddy,

But it's not just me, We now have a board that is kicking butt.

Everybody on the board is busy and I think they just make me look good.

Daryl's Business has apparantly become a more-than-full-time thing. He didn't want to but had too, he felt he couldn't give enough time to the organization. He will be missed, he has done more for the PWNA than anyone would ever believe....

Daryl will still stay envolved the best he can...

The volunteer thing about accountability, You Bet, We keep each other accountable now.

About helping out on Pete's committee, He would love it, Please give Pete a call or e-mail

The presidents advisory board thing was simply a way to hear from them maybe once a year. possibly explain where the organization is a what were working on, maybe they could offer a thought or two.

Thank you Ron....your a great support.
Chris you mention in #16 a dues discount program for long term members, that is great but most stay for 2 to 3 years then drop out.

How about a discount program to intice old members to rejoin?

These are just a few things in the works, and my way of sharing to the members and non-members what the PWNA is working on.
Any comments may be directed to me at
Thank You Chris Detter
President, PWNA

Another great comunications, to members and NON-members
The PWNA has not shut down to NON-MEMBERS.....the bbs is undergoing some changes in how it relates to non-members post. The organization itself makes itself available to anyone who wants to join or get information. That open invitation has never changed.

I understand that there are many folks out there that have problems with the PWNA, however, you have many posters here and on other boards who may not like being frowned upon for making a business decision to join. The general population in the country may not know or care about the PWNA, however, if having that logo and membership for my business does nothing more that give the perception that we have something that another contractor in our little town doesn't and we get the's doing the job that we bought it for.

If I am a little hypersensitive, I apologize - with everything that is being said all over, I may be seeing digs where they were not intended.

ok - sorry, I said, tad bit on the touchy side past couple of days - bygones?


No we won't be's just too much money at this point that we should be putting elsewhere. Hate missing coming face to face with everyone though :) Maybe someday.
