PWNA marketing stunt

Funny, I did not think that the Feds were in financial straights. I would think that private non profits could better benefit from this largesse. I do not get the choices for clean across america.

Last year I put together the project for the Doubleday Stadium Project for Clean Across America. I guess that we could have selected an organization that would have benifited more from the donation, but we were looking for media coverage.

A key factor in project selection is High Profile projects to draw media attention to promote the industry. It wont surprise me to see Henry B on Good Morning America or the Today Show promoting the PWNA and nis company. The major projects draw media coverage; the small projects that individual companies do for the needy are the ones that make a difference and support the mission of the Clean Across America Campaign.

Granted the Feds have deep pockets, but it is both mine and your money in those pockets. Hell, Henry is saving me a bunch of $$$ by doing those projects.

This is the first year that I do not have a CAA project planned. Partially because of my work load and partially because my heart isnt in it. It cost me a lot of money to pull of the Doubleday Project as it will cost Henry a bundle to do the capital monuments. The personal return wasn't worth the investment, however the coverage the PWNA recieved in Cleaner Times was worth the collaborative effort from all of the contractors in promoting the PWNA and Industry.

If you know of good project candidates send them to Henry or do them yourself. The first year I did a CAA project (The local American Legion) I wasn't even a member of the PWNA. The local American Legion did a lot for my company.
The funny thing about state and federal programs and organizations is they really don't get the big funding they need to do their jobs. In fact one of the memorials were were considering doing is on the endangered list. Due to red tape it wasn't possible to get the studies done in time to do the job this year. Could someone be paid for this job? Sure but couldn't someone be paid to clean anything? No matter what we do for profit or for free someone out there is going to lose money, even if it's because we bid it $10 less. Does that mean we should stop working or that non profit and charity organizations should stop operating?

I would'nt clean something for a slum lord that would profit from my work but would I clean a national monument to help maintain it for posterity, or for my kids to see an example like this set? Hell yeh and I would, and that's exactly what I'm doing.

How many of you are tired of seeing all the contractor scams on the news or killings, raping and the rest when it comes to contractors? I don't know about the rest of you but I'm fed up with it and Clean Across America is one way to combat it and put some good news out about contractors for a change. Like many of you, I do quite a bit of other projects that don't get mentioned or promoted but when you bust your hump for almost a year to get a project like this and succeed, would'nt you promote it to raise the level of professionalism in the industry and to get power washers the recognition they deserve?

Mathew's right, I've spent quite a bit of money and time to get this project rolling and I'm not going to stop now. He's also right when he says he can sit back and gain rewards for the project without even participating. Because as a PWNA member that's listed in the member search he and many others will have an opportunity to get contacted for work. Just because he's a PWNA member and someone heard about CAA and the projects were doing.

One thing I would like to make clear, any project that someone takes on in the spirit of helping out or giving back to their communities is outstanding and should be given the same credit as any of the larger projects like Doubleday and the memorials in DC. I could never take on a project like this without help and I don't believe Mathew would have either at Doubleday but we do it to make a difference and we do it for personal reasons as well. It's not just about business, getting on TV and making money for me, there are quite a few other reasons why I do what I do but what matters the most to me is that I do it and in my case the personal return is worth the investment.

Will the companies involved in all of the CAA projects this year get noticed? I sure hope so, they all deserve it for taking the time to do something for their communities. Will we all get on the morning show, Today or anything else? Who knows, it's a crap shoot but I'm willing to do anything I can to promote this industry. Hear that Oprah? Give us a call....

If anyone has any questions please give me a call..
well said Henry,i agree with your reasons for cleaning the monuments and i do agree with them ,i just see so many other things here that are in need that no one owns or cares about that are from the civil war era and stuff .in my oponion the government gets enough from us that i dont really want to donate a second more to them

i applaude the reasons and thats your buisness mabe if i were up there where they are closer to me and my kids i would feel differently......anyhow good work and i look foward to seeing the job of luck

I never said I disagree, but how about a project across America everyone could benefit from?

Like your veterans associations or boy and girls clubs. Batter women’s society, children’s society or united way projects, Christmas in April, habitat for humanity.
These other idea's for a Clean Across America project can be done by others and not just Henry. He picked a high profile job which should benefit all that participate in it including the PWNA.

Others to can pick a job to do like what Ron is suggesting that can benefit many..some others can take charge here to get these jobs done. So give it a go.
I never said I disagree, but how about a project across America everyone could benefit from?

Like your veterans associations or boy and girls clubs. Batter women’s society, children’s society or united way projects, Christmas in April, habitat for humanity.

Hey Ron those are also great charities and the only one you have listed above that I haven't done community service work for this year is United Those are some of the projects that I don't publicize because the "press" doesn't consider them to be newsworthy. I do but they don't unfortuanetly. I would love it if CAA were all based on hundreds of different projects for organizations like those and it does happen but just not in high numbers yet. I'm hoping the more the word gets out about CAA the more contractors will get involved in it. Some of the high profile jobs have been awesome for the industry but they are very draining and time consuming. Over the last three days I've renegotiated things every day that we had agreed on months ago with the parks people. I've focused almost the last two weeks completly on bringing of these jobs without a hitch and I CAN'T WAIT for this to be over and done

I enjoy doing everything I can for the PW industry and I think all of the CAA projects help us all but after this one, I think I'm done with the large high profile projects, at least with the National Parks Associations. They are great highly dedicated people but it can be very difficult to work with sometimes.
not trying to be an a$$ ,but i think i will start an I.C.A.A.(INDEPENDANTS CLEAN ACCROSS AMERICA)and we can clean some of the type things you were speaking of warlier RON,We could utilize that spot you were speaking of for Matt and post the videos there so people can see what the guys from PWI gave back and to who from there own communitys