David Saulque
Senior Moderator
Post anything you wish about PWNA-positve or negetive. They have nothing to say as to anything on this bb. If they did have any control I would not be on this bb-and my e mail is 3saulque@garlic.com
Interesting......It's good to see that you've finally seen the light. Being influenced by others that have their own agenda is never a good thing.
Yes I know, Its easier to step down. Then to go through the rath of pwna.
Do what for money? Nobody has done any thing!
Ron, How much do you want in money?
I'm in no hurry to get there.
Matt, I think there a gain or influence that you get and what you take from the org.
starting a school is one avenue BOD members stand to gain, other have stores.
I thought this was wrong at first, but in reality whos going to do it for free?
The irony for me is we start on the 40 building job that I posted on TGS on the 17th.