Hotsy Service Tech
I won't be buying one.
It rubs me the wrong way.
I think the concept of charity is great but, I wouldnt be caught dead in one of those shirts.
Websters Dictionary
Main Entry: Ma·fia
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'mä-fe-&, 'ma-
Etymology: Mafia, Maffia, a Sicilian secret criminal society, from Italian dialect (Sicily)
1 a : a secret criminal society of Sicily or Italy b : a similarly conceived criminal organization in the U·S. ; also : a similar organization elsewhere <the Japanese mafia> c : a criminal organization associated with a particular traffic <the cocaine mafia>
2 often not capitalized : a group of people likened to the Mafia ; especially : a group of people of similar interests or backgrounds prominent in a particular field or enterprise : CLIQUE
Second Entry: Ma·fia
Pronunciation: 'mä-fe-&, 'ma-
Usage: geographical name
island Tanzania in Indian Ocean S of Zanzibar area 170 square miles (442 square kilometers), population 16,748
It rubs me the wrong way.
I think the concept of charity is great but, I wouldnt be caught dead in one of those shirts.
Websters Dictionary
Main Entry: Ma·fia
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'mä-fe-&, 'ma-
Etymology: Mafia, Maffia, a Sicilian secret criminal society, from Italian dialect (Sicily)
1 a : a secret criminal society of Sicily or Italy b : a similarly conceived criminal organization in the U·S. ; also : a similar organization elsewhere <the Japanese mafia> c : a criminal organization associated with a particular traffic <the cocaine mafia>
2 often not capitalized : a group of people likened to the Mafia ; especially : a group of people of similar interests or backgrounds prominent in a particular field or enterprise : CLIQUE
Second Entry: Ma·fia
Pronunciation: 'mä-fe-&, 'ma-
Usage: geographical name
island Tanzania in Indian Ocean S of Zanzibar area 170 square miles (442 square kilometers), population 16,748