Pump for Rinsing Roofs

We use a x-jet to help rinse. We draw from the same tank.
Lenny, HOW do you pronounce your last name ?
Does it rhyme with Pentecost ?
IF so, you need a "holy roller" pump :D
Hallelujah ;)
We do use 3 way valves on it. I don't use it to rinse with. I had thought about it. We use the 3-ways to rinse the pump only right now.
I see those beans on pest control trucks sometimes. The next rinse pump I get will be http://www.rittenhouse.ca/asp/Product.asp?PG=789 I know what they can do. I am the rinse/wetdown man now so I want "lots" of water with good psi at the nozzle. The 503 (15gpm) is working very well for now, but why not have even more when you are ready to get done and head home.
Tim if i had a rig like yours i would rinse too just so i could use it lol that thing is saweet man!

Keep thinking and moving foward Scrappy, you have a much nicer rig than I did when I was first getting going on my own. I built my truck to do a lot of work in little time.