>>>> Magic <<<<<
I have to agree with all of these posts... However, I think there is still something that we overlook a lot of the times.
Name recognition is important. If you buy them a nice jacket they will probably wear it all over. Has to be a nice one. Basically, the power of advertising is it's power of repetition. Items we purchase with logos and advertising are not a waste by anymeans. They will pay off in the long run. Hats usually sit in a collection or are worn to paint the neighbors house in. Magnets are great. Nice coffee mugs are great. One think I wont do again is buy my customer's cheap coffee mugs. Or cheap anything for that matter. My logo would come off the coffee mugs when they were washed several times.... very cheap. I got exactly what I paid for. However there is still something that we simply overlook in all this.
Advertising on anything helps because there are a myriad of customers out there for you but they don't know you exist. They are frustated with whatever it is that they need washed and you can help but they don't know you are there. Matter of fact, there are even people out there who never heard of such a business... Really! I wash a house or a roof that is bad and I got all the neighbors out there watching like I am some sort of magician. They look at the equipment and just say WOW at the 16hp vanguard... not realizing of course that some come equipped with 24hp. Advertising and letting people know you are out there is by far the most important. ... .. . ... which leads me to this....
....advertising in pornotional products (

) is very expensive and getting customers is very expensive. All the money and hard work we take to get customers and prospects... $10-$20-$50-$1000 to keep an old one happy is excellent advertising. However, there is something that we as people we often overlook.
Let's put our thinking caps on for a moment.
There is something... something that will keep customers.
Something that will make you customers happy you are charging $3.00 more per truck than the competitors.
Something that makes them smile.
Something that holds you in short term memory.
... it develops friendships...
.... let's your customer know you care...
... this makes your customer feel important..
..show's gratitude...
... is more powerful than any other advertising...
...it advertises effectively.. again and again...
.... contact management...
.... that's it.. you missed it again...
... contact management...
After you wash or bi-weekly or monthly, put a short note in the mail. Send a card. Call to say hello. Thank them. Get to know them and they will never forget you... I promise.
That's my input on all of this. have a call