Pro Service Connect - Better Than Service Magic!

I signed up almost 10 days ago and have yet to hear anything from them, I got an email saying they would be in touch and I have since emailed them back and called and still nothing?

Maybe they dont like me? LOL

I think they might be getting overwhelmed by all of the new applicants. Pro Service Connect is worth the wait though .
I signed up today.

A question for some of the new subscribers.
Hows the call volume so far?
I am signing up right now.

Doug what is your closing percentage and how many of those 4 calls per month are work you are happy you landed? More specifically, happy to have as customers(obviously any income increase is nice)
Only landed one job so far. A very small grafitti removal job. Most calls have been out of my immediate area and are price shoppers. I quote them a price on the phone and they say they will get back to me. Waiting for Pro Connect to get all my web sites up and running. Right now I think they just have me on craigs list. Just takes patience I guess. If your signing up just be prepeared for that, patience, LOTS. Like any new company they are experiecing growing pains, I guess is what it is.
Just a thought... What happens if the call goes to your voicemail and they leave their name and number, are you still charged?

Love your screen name, we are in the same boat. Are you a licensed diver?
Well I signed up like 2 months ago. An email, call or letter in the mail would be great. I know growth is good, but always need to have the customer service to go along with it.

Bryan, I email them once a month for an update, always get a prompt response. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Guess these guy's didn't make it. Anybody heard from them lately? I have emailed them a couple times and left voice messages but haven't heard anything back,, They usually always answered me back pretty quickly.