Prizes!!!!! Surface Cleaner Give-away

Yes Please!
Well take two please
I don't make people try or buy things.
I make them want to, best I can.

..another Sirocco 12" Vacuuming SurfaceCleaner will be available
for shipment to another drawn ticket winner, freight paid to the winner's door.
But you will have to be present to win, in Tampa.
more on that very soon.

In addition.. to THIS running contest..
I would like to add these..
4 of our Sirocco VacuBerms, (the 4 foot versions,)
with a SiltFilter, AND 3 SandSnakes ! ..and We'll pay the freight too.
(..just add the sand yourself.)

PLUS.. I will give the Service-Tech of your choice..
a $50 Gift Certificate good for any
Sirocco Performance Vacuum product,
BullDogPRO Pressure Washer, or
technical tool,

In my posts, as I blog, I frequently suggest that you keep an active
relationship with a LOCAL SERVICE-center..
..You will need a good Technical guy, on a "difficult day".
When your favorite tech answers with WHY and HOW things break,
..well enough to "bug-proof" your system,
and he keep you productive in the field..
He is doing Good Work, ..and have a friend.

But, in the "heat of the day" as you deal with the tech,
in Minimizing that trauma, and to keep your "costs" down,
you might not be as generous as you'd like to be.
To honor the men that are truly "technically inclined" in this industry,
the ones spending extra-effort that is there for you..
I will give the Gift Certificate as his bonus, for serving you,
when your name is drawn for 1 of the 4 VacuBerms.
with your choice of the man, or team.

Respect the tech !

See you in Tampa !!!
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That is very kind and generous of you Jerry, Thanks.
thanks, jerry!