Prizes!!!!! Surface Cleaner Give-away

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Jerry McMillen
President, Cleaning System Specialists, Inc. …
…………………. 800-400-Clean (2532)
10821 Airport Drive El Cajon, Calif. 92020 ……….office 619-448-8111 cell phone..619-247-6492


At past events we have given away Surface cleaners. To be included in the giveaway all you need to do is post here first.

It’s pretty simple; a random drawing live at the Florida roundtable will determine the winner of the Surface Cleaner. Drawing will be on July 30 or 31 depending on the schedule. The winner will be posted here and you need not be present to win.

Just follow the direction below.
1. Post in this thread
2. Send your contact info to
3. Post on other bbs to increase your odds of winning. Each bbs will give you another chance. (optional)

This is also posted on:


It’s that simple and your name will be put into the drawing.
This is posted on multiple BBS, if you post in those threads you will increase your chance for each one you post on.

The thread title is “Prizes Surface CLeaner give away!!!!!!!!”
This is a NCE promotion, all the BBS allowing this computer gift giveaway we appreciate the support for future educational & networking seminars.

Please Don't forget to Thank Jerry for making these Online Give-aways Happen.

We thank Jerry for Supporting the Industry
I am in also.

That looks like a good surface cleaner.

Thanks Jerry for donating the prizes.
Thanks for supporting the industry Jerry :big_boss: and i pray your sales are off the chart in all the years you choose to be in the business.
count me in thanks
OK, Once again, twist my arm. Please place my name in the hat. Thanks for the free givaway Jerry.