power washing nj-Hunting

Will give you a call sometime Randy on the in-laws.

Most of the stripers are right around the 20 mark. We dont out that far. Right now you cant keep anything over 36 anyhow. And yes the chesapaeke. Its getting better. The white perch we caught this year all were fat and around the 10-12 inch mark. Pretty good considering they were much smaller since I was a young kid. How did the tournament go?
Winner was about total of 220lbs, 3 fish per day 2 days. Clean Sweep took 3rd. We at least were listed on board. biggest was about 55lbs. We can keep 2 fish 28" plus but usually only keep for the table 20 to 25 lbrs. Release big cows to spawn again.
Thats on them. what gets me is they get upset at rec fishermen pulling in fish out of slot size yet commercial boats can empty miles of sea of everything and all the stripers they pull,drum,or flounder are just "By-catch"
Not to worry as soon as the National Park Service caves in to the Audobon and Defenders of Wildlife the entire sea shore will be closed for the 11 pairs of piping plovers.