Pictures Charleston 2010

You're never too old to learn something at a roundtable. For example Mike taught me that the "f" word can be used as a noun, a verb, adjective, pronoun, and even an adverb if carefully placed. :)

It was nice to meet you Mike. I'm backing slowly away....... turning now..... goodbye. :)
You're never too old to learn something at a roundtable. For example Mike taught me that the "f" word can be used as a noun, a verb, adjective, pronoun, and even an adverb if carefully placed. :)

It was nice to meet you Mike. I'm backing slowly away....... turning now..... goodbye. :)

Thats funny Tony. If Mike lost the f bomb he would be speechless.
Great show! It was nice to see the new equipment displayed by the vendors. If I am not mistaken it was the first time in 22 years CETA opened up to contractors. I am glad you were able to convince them to do that Ron, things like this will only make the industry better and more professional.
You're never too old to learn something at a roundtable. For example Mike taught me that the "f" word can be used as a noun, a verb, adjective, pronoun, and even an adverb if carefully placed. :)

Have you ever seen Boondock Saints?? "Certainly shows the diversity of the word!"