Phone Book Ad

Do you have a phone book ad ?

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I have never had one but now that I have lost a few accounts , Would it be worth it ... and with my compsny I would have to advertise in 4 different catagories.
I would get rid of the "music" on your web site for starters.
It's a free site I made so this board could look at some of my work I have not got a real sight yet .. But probably will get one soon.. You would figure after doing this kind of work since 1989 I would at least have a real website ... I was thinking about a website with swimsuit models in bikini's cleaning vent hoods and washing concrete .. Oh Joy !!!! Well maybe not ... My wife says forget websites and advertising She says that I should get off my lazy ass and go to work. Well got to run for a second my little girl and I are watching Crazy Frog .
I live in a rural area of Virginia. I have a BOLD listing in the local yellow pages. There are 3 other Pressure Washing companies in the book. None of us have a display type ad. One company is a Lawn & Garden guy, B-Clean and just a persons name. Time will tell, it just came out mid Feb. It only costs $11.00 month
that music is really really bad.
and richmond phil nice website
but you might want to have your pic on your home page of your frontside not your back
just my two cents, take it or leave it
C'mon, thats the theme from Top Gun!!!!
Ha ha ha! That's funny John! I couldn't help but smile. That's the theme from "Get Smart"! Dude, that is from waaaay back in the day!
Just to help you out, you should have your type checked for grammatical errors. When someone looks at your website, it should make them feel that you are educated and know your field. You want them to feel that you are at the top of your game. But hey, it's your first right? It's not so bad. Different strokes for different folks.
In Jackson we have these new lcd sign advertising trucks that just drive around advertising your business Its about 300.00 a week I thought about giving it a try.. We also handed out flyers today 200 of them.. Thanks to some highschool kids out on springbreak . I paid them 50.00 each. Damn I got like 5 calls today. One guy called and said he has 60 locations in Mississippi.
Monday I am Sending these kids back out with 200 more flyers with a different note and photos on each flyer..

I also had another fire equipment company call me today and asked what the heck I was up too.. Then they asked if I would consider cleaning some vent hoods for them .. Go Figure?????

Everyone always said Im like the ocean ... I can always make some big waves..

I once got mad because a company took a couple of my accounts so I went out and took one of thier accounts" a rather large one" 192 fire extinguishers .. and I did it for free... Damn they got mad... I even had the owner call me ....

Well all in all a good day..
Got The flying J Truck Stop today.. 4 locations in Mississippi ( Hood Cleanings, Fire Inspections and Concrete Cleaning.... They got a flyer and said they were ready to make a change . We talked money today , Right after my dentist appointment which was real fun !!!! We got the account .. start cleaning wed of this week .. We are going to do the full service
Powerwash Pro's -----> LLC!!!!

