Phoenix Roundtable registration information

Im huge and I will be there
Uhm, well, if Matt comes, there is a gay bar in Scottsdale, along with several other bars in Scottsdale. That is about 15 minutes away, by freeway. Mesa is kind of sleepy, and VERY conservative. I am not a late night partier, so, I might not be the best person to ask. I am going to compile a list of Non Roundtable events, for wives, and the few that might have kids in the area.
I dont think its going to be huge show. We will have some guys you know and some you wont.

Scott and i both know local guys that will be there.

I think the date change has made it difficult for some and expense.

We will have a huge Phoenix turnout 2009, bank on that.

Doesnt matter if its huge to make a great event. I want to learn some stuff. The Gov stuff and other stuff that Scott knows about is priceless, plus the equipment repair stuff.

If I can get 1 person at a RT event that helps me or I can help them its worth attending. I learn everyday and at a round table you can only learn.

I'm excited about this RT. I wish I could go to them all
Flight and hotel reservations are set. I am ready to meet some new folks and revisit the ones I have already had the pleasure of meeting. See you there.

Scott, checks in the mail. Do you do net 30?
No, I did not. I went back and looked to make sure.

Again, Registrationinfo.

Checks to me: Scott Stone

Mail to;
Scott Stone
Phoenix Roundtable
2845 E. Hermosa Vista Dr.
Mesa, Az 85213
We already have 40 people saying and have flights. Please get your check to Scott.

We have catered food and we have to have the exact number of people attending.

We will not accept entrys at the gate's.

The gate will be locked to keep out people unwanted. People have been stealing copper and anything else nailed down.