<dir> 2. Operational Practices:
<dir> <dir> <dir> <dir> a) The operator shall conduct the cosmetic washing activity in accordance with its standard operating practices, ensuring responsible and safe operation of all mechanized equipment. Care shall be taken to prevent any displacement or other interference with the inlet protection in place at POEs. If any inlet protection is observed not to be functioning properly, cosmetic washing activities shall cease until the inlet protection is repaired or replaced.
b) If no chemicals or detergents are applied and permeable inlet protection is used, cosmetic wash water discharges may be discharged to the storm sewer system after passing through the filtration media installed at POEs.
c) At the conclusion of the cosmetic washing activities, the operator shall inspect each POE for any accumulated Debris, and remove any such materials for appropriate disposal.
f) Any wastewater collected (e.g. vacuumed wastewater
<dir> <dir> collected in connection with the use of impermeable inlet protection) shall be disposed of as follows:
<dir> <dir>
(1) If the parking facility has an interceptor connected to the City's sanitary sewer system and the water used for the cosmetic washing activities was City water obtained at the site, the wastewater may be disposed of either by discharging to the sanitary sewer at a point upstream of the interceptor, or;
(2) If the parking facility does not have an interceptor connected to the City's sanitary sewer system, or the water used for the cosmetic washing activities was not City water obtained at the site, the wastewater shall be transported offsite for treatment and/or disposal at an appropriately permitted facility.
</dir> </dir> </dir> </dir>
<dir> 2. Operational Practices:
<dir> <dir> <dir> <dir> a) The operator shall conduct the cosmetic washing activity in accordance with its standard operating practices, ensuring responsible and safe operation of all mechanized equipment. Care shall be taken to prevent any displacement or other interference with the inlet protection in place at POEs. If any inlet protection is observed not to be functioning properly, cosmetic washing activities shall cease until the inlet protection is repaired or replaced.
b) If no chemicals or detergents are applied cosmetic wash water may be discharged to:
(1) the adjacent landscaped area with no discharge to the
<dir> <dir> MS4; or
(2) if permeable inlet protection is used, the MS4 after passing through the filtration media installed at POEs.
</dir> </dir> </dir> </dir> </dir> </dir> </dir>
</dir> </dir> </dir> </dir> </dir>
</dir> </dir>
I personally let as much water a as possible dry up, and I never take offsite. It's a big hassle to get the permit, hazmat, cdl and it's just a big liability that I do not need.
</dir> </dir> </dir> </dir>