Pedophiles ?


I personally dont care if they are wired wrong or whatever , I am a recovering alcoholic/addict been clean and sober for years I have a choice to make , they have a choice to make .... lets make it simple ... if you know its wrong and you do it becomes a choice and it is simply just that a choice.

Children are precious and innocent and some freak should not be able to take away their innocense and be able to breathe , they should be strung up and hog tied and beat to death or quatered alive. I bet it would sure cut down on the crime involving children if that were the case
You got to be kidding me !! You would only take a liberal stance on this, BUT if it was your kid, now that would be different.

Sorry but thats the biggest load of crap that i have read on this forum..So Russ i guess he's cool with it if it happens to your kid, but look out if they molest his. :rolleyes: I think i have heard enough of this. In my book you are just as guilty as the SCUM %$# doing the deed.:mad: :mad:

They are wired wrong. I think we should let them all go. I think they should not have to register. I think we should let them live in peace in every neighorhood in the US. They have a disability so they should also collect welfare. If and when a few of them screw up and commit a crime, the victims should just move away and not talk about it. We have been too hard on child molesters, they have their rights too.

Cleaner.. is that better? :rolleyes:
Have a 12 year old daughter. Just over the last 3 weeks there has been a "surge" of attempted abductions in our area and one in which the guy actually was able to get the 10 year old girl in the car. She was able to escape from his car so the dirt bag ran her over....she survived.

Our daughter USED to ride the bus at the beginning of the school year. My wife takes her and pickes her up. I could not imagine/think of someone trying to hurt my daughter.
They are wired wrong. I think we should let them all go. I think they should not have to register. I think we should let them live in peace in every neighorhood in the US. They have a disability so they should also collect welfare. If and when a few of them screw up and commit a crime, the victims should just move away and not talk about it. We have been too hard on child molesters, they have their rights too.

Cleaner.. is that better? :rolleyes:

spoken like a true scum bag liberal !!!

"Like was said earlier, recidivism for child predators is off the charts. So what do you do?? '

cut off their heads and bury it seperate from the body !

amen to that !!:D
Although my daughter is all grown up and on her own. As a deputy, I never ran across any in person, but I alway wondered what I would have done if I had a chance to get my hands on one. My luck I would be the one going to jail, because I don't believe these kinds of people should be walking on the face of this earth. Just like poisonious insects, you beat them till there real dead! Very sore subject, that unfortunately is reality. Hugh
When I saw the topic I thought it was another d#$%ed poll and I was gonna vote, "No."
in my old neighbor hood he would have gotten the baseball bat and the neighbors would have said nothing
in my old neighbor hood he would have gotten the baseball bat and the neighbors would have said nothing

Sounds like the BRONX, where i grew up. They would never even think of it let alone act on it. My neighborhood had it's own type of justice.

I have absolutley no respect for anyone who defends scum like this. If this is a problem that has afflicted you and you have no way to stop yourself from this urge to ruin the life of a pure and innocent child, I will be happy to help you resolve your issues, and i am sure that most if not all parents will agree with me..

I can only pray that a group of these scum bags move in next door to Pressure Pros house, so that he can help save them..

These are my grandsons, this topic is very personal to me!!


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Sounds like the BRONX, where i grew up. They would never even think of it let alone act on it. My neighborhood had it's own type of justice.

I have absolutley no respect for anyone who defends scum like this. If this is a problem that has afflicted you and you have no way to stop yourself from this urge to ruin the life of a pure and innocent child, I will be happy to help you resolve your issues, and i am sure that most if not all parents will agree with me..

I can only pray that a group of these scum bags move in next door to Pressure Pros house, so that he can help save them..

These are my grandsons, this topic is very personal to me!!

Agreed...If someone ever does anything like this to my son, they better pray someone else catches them, because if it's me, we're not calling the police. Not for a while, anyway.