Pedophiles ?

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
what do you think needs to be done ? I have 4 kids and they just arrested a man yesterday less than a half mile from me for trying to lure a 14 year old in his car , he was here from out of town and this is the second one in this school year within a mile of my home ! I have an oponion but I would probably have a serious problem if I posted my oponion , whats yours and what can we all do to raise awareness ? Is there something we can maybe do on a national lever as a group to show our position on this ?

Give us some feed back , its pouring rain here and I am pissed so lets see where it goes and what we can do !
A pedophile will usually exhibit a series of personality characteristics that are common in this type of offender. It is important to understand that these characteristics alone do not conclusively determine that a person is a pedophile. But if these indicators, combined with a pattern of behavior that arouses suspicion, are present then there may be enough probable cause to believe that the person is a pedophile.

He carries on what can be termed “a special relationship” with a wife. Often pedophiles have failed marriages due to their sexual interests but remain in the marriage to mask their true intentions. Sadly, the wife sometimes knows about her husband’s preference, but prefers to keep quiet to avoid social stigma and disgrace.
He displays a fascination or unusual interest in children. If an adult has an inordinate amount of interest in pre-pubescent children, it doesn’t confirm he is a pedophile, but it should at least arouse suspicion.
He makes frequent references to children in exalted or exaggerated terms such as “pure,” “innocent,” ”God sent,” “blissful” and other descriptive labels that seem inappropriate and excessive. Remember that a pedophile cannot help the way he behaves and therefore will inadvertently reveal aspects about himself during speech.
He has hobbies or interests that commonly belong in the realm of a child’s world such as toy collecting, building models of cars or planes. His home or room is decorated in a child’s theme. And often, that theme will reflect the age bracket of his preferred victim.
He is over 30 years of age, single and has few or no friends his own age. He may also have frequent and unexplained changes of residence. He may be unable or unwilling to discuss why he lost his last job. He may have a military discharge that he cannot explain and a past that he can not easily talk about.
He has systematic and prolonged access to children. Pedophiles, because of the wide age disparity between themselves and their victims, cannot just hang around children. The pedophile has to find a way to legitimize his contact with kids. He usually accomplishes this by obtaining employment in a field where he is forced to deal with children on a daily basis. Jobs like schoolteachers, bus drivers, camp counselors, photographers and sports coaching(14) serve their needs perfectly. They will always volunteer for activities in which they are left alone with children with no parental supervision (Lanning, p. 19).
Pedophiles are also very adept at locating troubled or withdrawn children. This is a skill they have acquired through years of trial and error. They have come to identify what usually works and what usually doesn’t. The most common technique used by pedophiles to obtain sex from children is the seduction method. This process is very similar to the classic boy/girl courtship. Though the child might be under 10-years-old, the pedophile will lavish gifts upon the target, take him or her to amusement parks, museums, restaurants and other places of interest. This author recalls a case in which a pedophile attempted to seduce a child who had an interest in music. The suspect escorted the boy to expensive Broadway plays like Phantom of the Opera and Miss Saigon. Afterwards, they ate in fashionable Manhattan cafes and went sightseeing. The child was just 8- years-old. In another recent case, reported by the New York Times (February 2, 2000), a Bronx man lured neighborhood children to his apartment with Pokemon cards and Chinese food. He then abused a number of children after giving them marijuana and screening pornographic videos. The abused children later got together and attempted to set fire to the suspect’s apartment.

If the target is a troubled child, the pedophile will comfort and sympathize with him or her. Often, over a period of time, the child will develop feelings for the offender even though he is being actively abused. The dynamics at work in this type of situation are well known to psychologists. This process of sympathizing with the offender has been called Stockholm Syndrome. It was first recognized in 1973 after a notorious bank robbery in Sweden in which the hostages taken by the suspects began to develop feelings of attachment toward their captors(15). Children who are sexually victimized can feel the same way. This is often the case when the offender happens to be a member of the clergy or another traditional figure of trust. In early 2002, an elementary school bus driver pleaded guilty in Westchester County Court, New York, to abusing 9-year-old children on his bus during the trip home each day. The abuse may have gone on for as long as 15 years with a succession of students. In cases such as this, the events will not be reported because of the emotional attachment between offender and victim. Remember that pedophiles are masters in the manipulation of children. However, as the victim matures into adulthood, these benevolent feelings toward the abuser often dissipate and the painful truth of the abuse sets in.
Molesters engage in sex with children for a variety of reasons and sometimes these reasons have little to do with sexual desires. This type of offender, called a situational child molester, does not possess a genuine sexual preference for children. Rather, the motivational factors are criminal in nature. In some cases, the offender’s sexual abuse of young people is a natural outgrowth of other forms of abuse in his life. That abuse is a continuation of a process by which he has mistreated his friends, colleagues, spouse and family members. He will have low self-esteem, maintain poor moral standards and view sex with children as an opportunity to prolong the violence that is already an active component of his existence. Other situational offenders see children as a substitute for an adult partner. Although these types of offenders do not harbor a singular sexual desire for children, they may react to a built up sexual impulse or anger, that to them, is irresistible. However, the victim is incidental. It could have been a store clerk, an elderly person or simply a woman walking down a lonely street. Because of the circumstances at hand, such as the Polly Klass incident, the victim happened to be a child. His main criteria for a victim is availability. The situational child molester will usually have few victims, sometimes only one, and never repeat the event again. He could be a social misfit or a psychopathic personality who harbors a seething resentment and hostility toward society in general.

The second classification of sexual offender is defined as a preferential child molester. These offenders have a sexual preference for children and usually maintain these desires throughout their lives. Preferential child molesters can have an astounding number of victims and these crimes can remain undiscovered for many years. In 1995, a child molestation case in Texas caused a national uproar when the suspect was due to be released from prison after serving a six-year sentence for the rape of a 6year-old boy. He told the police that he got away with abusing over 240 children before getting caught for molesting a single child and if released, would do it again(4). One long-term study of hundreds of sex offenders found that the pedophile child molester committed an average of 281 acts with 150 partners. These types of offenders wreak havoc upon society far out of proportion to their numbers.

The preferential child molester exhibits distinct patterns of behavior that are common among his kind. They will seduce children by buying gifts and appealing to their emotional weakness. This requires the offender to develop a friendship with the child or utilize an existing relationship with the victim. In more than 90 percent of the rapes of children less than 12 years old, the offender knew the victim (U.S. Department of Justice). Other offenders will engage in self-exposure or personally harass children. Simply stated, the preferential child molester is a pedophile who has carried his fantasies and desires into reality. A small minority of these types of offenders may be sadistic in nature and inflict pain or torture upon their victims. These individuals, like any other criminal, can be brutal and sadistic. Such an individual was Britain’s most famous and despised child molester, Bill Malcolm.

In 1981, Malcolm was convicted of raping a 3-year-old girl and sent to prison. When he was released in 1984, he returned to rape the same terrified girl who was then 6 years old. Malcolm was angry that she had identified him as the rapist. He later told cops he wanted revenge. He was charged again in 1994 with rape and assault on four children who he allegedly tied to a bed and forced to perform sex acts. A judge later made a favorable ruling in Malcolm’s case and he walked out of the courtroom a free man. But child molesters evoke little sympathy from the general public. On February 18 2000, two men showed up at Malcolm’s doorstep and promptly put a bullet in his head. One person said what a lot of Londoners were feeling: “Whoever did this deserves a medal!” N.Y. Post, February 20, 2000).

It should be said from the very beginning that no one knows how many pedophiles exist in America since the overwhelming majority never fulfill their fantasies, nor do they come to the attention of law enforcement agents. They seem content to fantasize in the safety and comfort of their own homes. The most common type of pedophile personality is the immature model. These people have never been able to maintain a successful interpersonal relationship with others. At some point in their lives, they discover that sexual activities with pre-pubescent children can be achieved and they feel a sense of fulfillment they cannot obtain anywhere else. They are classified as loner deviants and usually will not associate with other deviants. Since they lack social contact with others, they spiral downward into deeper recesses of pedophilia and fantasies(5).

Pedophiles can be found at every social and economic level and can be established members of the community. Sadly, we have all read stories in local newspapers concerning members of clergy, respected businessmen and schoolteachers who were exposed as pedophiles or child molesters. In 1985, a Roman Catholic priest in Louisiana pleaded guilty to 33 charges of sexual abuse against 33 boys. He later admitted that he molested several dozen others. He was released in 1995 and later arrested again for the rape of a 12-year-old -girl. In one of America’s worst cases of clergy who molest parishioners, the Sante Fe diocese in New Mexico settled 165 sexual abuse cases in 1997. More than 20 priests were removed from their positions and civil settlements may exceed $50 million dollars. Incredibly, an archbishop involved in the case said he didn’t know that sexual abuse was a crime(6). But unlike this priest, the majority of pedophiles never cross that line into active child molestation. They mostly will remain quiet, keep to themselves and pursue their sexual interests at home.

JonBenet Ramsey
Many of these offenders have extensive collections of child pornography or child erotica that feed their fantasy world. These photos and drawings will typically be cutouts from newspapers and magazines that other people would find inoffensive or even innocuous. Pedophiles will frequently videotape children from television shows and commercials. They will also attend sporting events in schools and surreptitiously tape these events. Undoubtedly, the notorious video clip of Jon Benet Ramsey participating at a Colorado beauty pageant has found its way into the video libraries of pedophiles across the country.

These collections of pornography are often considered the pedophile’s most valued possession (Lanning, p. 28). It represents years of work and symbolizes, in tangible form, his inner most sexual fantasies and thoughts. The collection will consist of slides, commercial photos, souvenirs, toys, Polaroids and virtually any other type of material that relates to or displays any minute reference to child sex. Child erotica collections will vary in quality and quantity, often depending upon the economic status of the collector. Police have found that the older the pedophile, the more extensive the collection will be. Since true child pornography requires a clandestine effort to obtain, the majority of these collections will be erotic in nature as opposed to pornographic. And often the focus will be upon one or two aspects of sexuality. Preferential child molesters especially, preserve these types of collections and will do anything to safeguard them. Offenders have been known to make formal requests to the police agencies to return these items after their case has been adjudicated.

The pedophile collector falls into three general categories: closet, isolated and the sharer. The closet collector maintains and views his erotica in secret and does not molest children. This type of collector builds his collection in a clandestine manner and keeps its existence a secret. Sometimes, he will maintain this collection for years without the knowledge of a live-in spouse. The isolated collector is actually engaged in molestation and will display the material to a victim. The sharer-collector trades and displays the material with others and may do so for profit. He also will molest children and keeps company with other pedophiles. Since other criminals, like burglars, muggers, car thieves, rarely collect artifacts relating to their criminality, why do pedophiles collect? The answer to that question lies in the psychological characteristics of his condition. He has a twisted sexual compulsion for children whose origins are separate and apart from criminality. His deviance is defined as criminal only because society has deemed it so. Some pedophiles believe that they have done nothing wrong and are simply more enlightened than the general public. They feel they are part of a special progressive movement and one day society will come to accept, what they see as, their sacred ritual of adult/child sex.

From a practical standpoint, collections serve crucial needs for the pedophile. First, child erotica and pornography are used in his crimes. The pedophile will display this material to a victim to lower his inhibitions and introduce him to the possibilities of sex with an adult. This is a very important step in the seduction process. Secondly, the pedophile will use the material for his own sexual gratification. Often it is used in the arousal phase prior to sexual activity with victims. Still others will use photographs of the abuse to blackmail their victims into further sexual activity. After engaging in sexual acts with an adult, a complex set of emotions engulfs the victim. These emotions include humiliation, attachment to the offender and fear of exposure. The victim becomes extremely fearful that his friends and family will learn of the sexual activity and he will suffer harsh consequences. Pedophiles are familiar with these feelings and will use those emotions against the child. Pornography plays a pivotal role in the child sex offender’s life. But most importantly, it is the tool of his trade used to induct his victims into his sexual fantasies. This is why law enforcement is always on the alert to the onslaught of pornography on the Web.
The Internet and Pedophilia

Modern technology in the form of the Internet has made interaction between pedophiles easier than in the past. The computer, in fact, has turned out to be the greatest single advancement in the history of pedophilia. In the shadow world of child worship, the Internet is a Godsend. By use of the computer, the offender can quickly organize his material, communicate with others who share his interest and troll the net for potential victims. He seeks validation through communication with others just like him and finds comfort in the anonymous corridors of cyber space. Pedophiles are just a few clicks away from each other, a vast improvement over the past. Before computers, pedophiles relied on newspaper ads, sex clubs and prison contacts for interaction with others like themselves. They had to cruise the streets, visit parks and playgrounds where children play in order to locate victims. Undoubtedly, some still do. But others can now hide behind the anonymous comfort of the Internet shield. The Seattle Times reported that by 1998, more than 1,500 suspected pedophiles in 32 states have been identified through various chat rooms on America’s most popular Internet service (October 26, 1999). The easy access to pornography has many parents scared and apprehensive.

Using one of the Web’s most popular browsers, easily available to everyone, a recent search for the words “boy love” quickly turned up a list of disturbing responses. These are only some of the examples.

Site #1: “encyclopedic collection of boylove articles”
Site #2: “a collection of internet links of special interest to boylovers.”
Site #3: “discussion of boylovers and their organized boylove web sites and networks.”
Site #4: “Our goal is to end the oppression of men and boys who have consensual relations.”
Site #5: “absolutely uncensored sex pics from around the globe, teens sucking dick pics.”
Site #6: “erotic young, young teens naked pics!!!!”
Site #7: “live nude young boys picture gallery!!”
And the list goes on. It is too long to publish here. You may notice that a number of these sites utilize language that tends to justify their interests. They attempt to legitimatize their behavior by claiming that sex between adults and the young is “pure,” “kind,” “gentle” and utilize other descriptive labels that give the impression they are referring to some saintly endeavor other than the sexual exploitation of children. This is a common trait among the preferential child molesters: they spend their lives attempting to justify their behavior in their own eyes. Since their attraction to children is a compulsion that many cannot avoid or deny, they seek methods to reinforce their belief that they do nothing wrong. This is a fairly recent development, especially on the Internet, where groups of pedophiles view themselves as being persecuted by the rest of society. Look at the language used in site # 4: “to end the oppression of men and boys”. It’s almost as if they are talking about a political party rather than the sexual seduction of children.

The Internet also provides a preferential child molester with unique opportunities. For example, he cannot hang around school property very long without arousing suspicion, but he can remain in teen and pre-teen chat rooms indefinitely. Through these electronic arenas, the pedophile has something that before the Internet Age he could only dream about: unlimited and unrestricted access to vulnerable children. Chat rooms makes it much easier and less risky for them to interact with children. But the computer is a double-edged sword. Law enforcement agents have found that many pedophiles are compulsive personalities with predictable behavioral patterns. Some will keep meticulous records of their collections and victims. They often write detailed logs of their experiences and “sexual conquests.” Police are well aware of these habits and in these type of cases will quickly obtain a search warrant to seize any computer owned by a suspected child molester.

Police have also discovered many dues paying organizations that promote and condone pedophilia over the Internet. These groups, like North American Man Boy Association (NAMBLA) and the Rene Guyon Society, are constantly monitored by the police. The brazen attitude of these groups is shocking to most people. For example, the motto of the Rene Guyon Society is “Sex Before Eight or It’s Too Late!” (Vito and Holmes, p. 283). But in our system, 1st Amendment rights protect these organizations to a degree. In recent years, the proliferation of these groups and the avalanche of pornography over the Web have outraged Americans. Today, any man, woman or child with a modem can use the most effective tool for the distribution of pornography the world has ever seen. Remember that a child cannot easily look through sexually graphic magazines in a public store. On the Internet it is a simple activity. And most children already know how. The accessibility of child pornography via the Internet has many parents worried. A Time CNN poll recently asked teenagers: “Do you use the Internet for things like email, chat rooms or visiting Web sites?” Eighty-two percent said yes. Time also asked during the same poll: “Have you ever seen Web sites that are x-rated or have sexual content?” Forty-two percent said yes (Time, May 10, 1999).

In 1998, U.S. Customs officials smashed one of the largest organizations of child pornographers ever uncovered. More than 200 suspects were arrested across the world in a strike named Operation Chesire Cat. The target was an Internet based organization called The Wonderland Club, whose name was derived from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, long a symbolic favorite of the pedophilic underworld(7). The club trafficked in some of the most vile child pornography ever seen including the rape of children(8). They also screened live sexual abuse of children to their members. The victims were often members’ relatives. Unfortunately, there is no limit to the depravity of some people. The qualification for entry into this club was said to be the possession of more than 10,000 images of child porn on their computer’s hard drive. The investigation began in 1996 after another pornography ring called The Orchid Club was broken up in San Jose, California. Information gleaned during that case led investigators to England and Western Europe. Undercover agents made repeated attempts to break into the secret society of the Wonderland Club. But club members used secret passwords to meet in private chat rooms that constantly changed to avoid the relentless pursuit of federal agents, obsessed with their capture. But the police, fearful of the molestation of future victims, decided to act. In September 1998, U.S. Custom’s officials coordinated a simultaneous worldwide raid in 14 countries. Evidence gathered during these search warrants indicated membership in the club in 47 additional countries. Shortly after these police raids, four club members, including a retired U.S. Air Force pilot, committed suicide. Exposure can be the pedophile’s worst enemy.

Parents can take some simple steps to protect their child from on-line invasion by these predators. Try to become more aware of what your children are doing online. Do not let small children access the Internet in the privacy of their own room or in a secluded place. Check in once in a while to actually see where they go on the Internet. Parents should tell children not to chat with adult strangers without supervision and should never fill out a personal information profile for anyone. It is best not to open unsolicited email or email from strangers. Often this mail is a cover to sell or provide online pornography. If your child received pornography via the Internet or someone has made inappropriate contact with your child, contact your service provider or notify the local police.
Web sites like and have joined in the struggle against pedophilia and online pornography. Software companies have devised filtering and blocking programs like CYBERPATROL, NETNANNY and SURFWATCH that you can install on your computer. This software will automatically scan Web sites for objectionable content and prevent access. But the problem is enormous: “This country now has over 20,000 outlets selling prosecutable, hard core pornography which would be found illegal by educated citizens in most American communities. In fact, there are more outlets for hard core pornography in the United States than McDonald restaurants” (
The Battle Rages On

From a law enforcement perspective, the dramatic increase of child porn on the Internet has not gone unnoticed. There are hundreds of police initiatives already in place to combat this new threat to our children. But the pornographers and child predators are clever and the unique mode of the crime poses special problems for police investigation. These cases are essentially technical in nature and require specially trained investigators. Since Internet child porn and abuse are a recent development, there is a lack of case law on the subject and occasionally, some jurisdictional confusion. But rest assured that most police departments have dedicated their resources in the fight against these determined criminals. Many agencies have established special Internet investigation units, like the Internet Crime Against Children Task Force in New York and the Northeast Regional Child Exploitation Task Force in New Jersey, whose sole purpose is to cruise the Web looking for potential molesters and pornographers. In a case that made national headlines, a top executive of Disney was arrested in Los Angeles in 1999 and charged with crossing state lines for the purpose of engaging in sex with a minor. The suspect met the “13-year-old girl” over the Internet. This “girl” turned out to be an FBI agent who was a member of just such a task force who daily searched the highways of cyberspace for sexual marauders.

Despite the unprecedented success of Operation Chesire Cat, which disrupted the Internet world of organized pedophiles, the abuse of children by way of the computer still continues into the 21st century. Outlaw groups like The Wonderland Club continue to fester in cyberspace and it requires a mammoth effort on the part of law enforcement to bring these criminals to justice. Since 1998 when U.S. Customs and the FBI affected hundreds of arrests across the nation on child sexual exploitation charges, there have been several large-scale police operations against child pornographers and pedophiles. However, there has also been a new public awareness concerning Internet crimes and the watchful eyes of parents and other adults have yielded positive results.

Law enforcement has taken a crash course in computer related offenses and many municipalities have initiated training programs and seminars specifically designed to tackle high tech crimes. Information gathered in major sweeps like Operation Chesire Cat and the FBI’s Innocent Images have also furnished law enforcement with investigative leads, which generated additional crackdowns. The United States led the way in late 2001 when it informed German National Police that a German citizen was exchanging child pornography over the Internet with customers and friends in America. This case resulted in the arrests of eight additional people and provided investigators with critical intelligence about other child porn rings. As we have seen, computer hard drives are a wealth of information to investigators. As these offenders seek to find ways to encrypt, conceal and delete illegal data and photos, computer technicians work relentlessly to research and overcome those obstacles. Successful prosecution in these type of cases are a priority. “It is clear that a new marketplace for child pornography has emerged from the dark corners of cyberspace,” said Attorney General John Ashcroft recently at a press conference. “These offenders have tried to use technology and anonymity of the Internet to trade child pornography, and these individuals must be stopped,” he added.

In March 2002, the FBI announced that it had broken a major child porn ring that flourished on the Internet at The case began in Houston in May 2000. More than 89 persons in 20 states were arrested in the initial phase of this investigation called Operation Candyman. The suspects have already admitted to molesting at least 36 children. Some of the people arrested represent a cross-section of American society that is truly frightening. The suspects arrested included Little League coaches, a teacher’s aide, a school bus driver, at least one former police officer, six members of clergy, a child photographer and two Catholic priests. They ranged in age from 17 to 70. Hundreds of searches were conducted and dozens of computers were seized.

Operation Candyman was named after an Internet group under the same name that provided a location where members could upload and download child porn images. According to the FBI, the group claimed more than 7,000 members, the majority in the United States. Yahoo is aware that some of its customers form outlaw groups using their service but are unable to completely stop the practice because of technological limitations. Yahoo always cooperates fully with FBI requests for subscriber information on pedophile groups. FBI director Robert Mueller recently said to the L.A. Times: “We will diligently shut down any and all Web sites, e-groups, bulletin boards and any other mediums that will foster the continued exploitation of our children.”

CANDYMAN described itself online as the place “for people who love kids. You can post any type of messages you like, too, or any type of pics and vids you like too.” The images on the site were child porn of the worst kind. Images seized from the confiscated hardware will be dramatic evidence against those arrested. Log-in times, phone records, Internet service provider records, credit card transactions and more add to the mountains of documents that are often necessary to prosecute these cases. Where those records will ultimately take FBI and Houston investigators is anyone’s guess. Police told that city’s reporters they were hoping for “several hundred arrests.” Like the Wonderland Club case, the repercussions of Operation Candyman in 2002 will extend far into the future. Investigative leads and hard data gathered during the prosecution of these defendants will keep cyberspace detectives busy for years.
Hey Russ , I have not been around for a while ,, I have been doing some work out of town.. Man I am sory to hear about that... Dude I would be pissed... I have a 10 year old daughter... and this sort of stuff bothers me all the time.. In Mississippi as I guess anywhere this world seems to get more and more screwed up .. I do think that if it were me God willing the police get these people before I get ahold of them... My wife and I have taught my daughter well , She knows not to talk to strangers and not to get in the car with a stranger, we explained to her that some people in this world are bad and can hurt other people and she should run from these people.. My daughter is very smart for 10 years old and I am sure she will always do her best to make the right choices.. Once again I am sorry to hear about this... I hope everything goes alright ... By the way hows the cleaning business ,, roof cleaning should be picking up with the cooler weather... Now only 80 degrees in the day instead of 100.
Russ, I have a 13 year old daughter so I know what you mean. For me it means doing everything I can to live in a nice neighborhood and send the kids to good schools. You try to educate them to the nasty stuff out there. Its difficult. You don't want your kids walking around paranoid. But choosing paranoia over having a child that will be scarred for life if, God forbid, anything were to happen, is the lesser of the two evils. There are certainly no guarantees. I know the stats indicate that the majority of molestations occur from someone the child knows and is comfortable around.

I guess I have a more liberal stance towards these people. They have been afflicted with an illness that is worse than cancer. That does not mean I wouldn't go to jail if anyone ever touched my children though. Sympathy can only go so far. The worst part, I believe is that these pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated. They are just wired wrong.
Hey Russ, the obvious answer we already know, but as you said that would not be politically correct. I think everytime they let one of these SCUM %$#% out of prison they should relocate them next to a city officials or the attorney that got them off.

I think the best thing you can do for your children is talk to them, and keep talking to them about the real monsters that live amongst us, and make them aware of thier surroundings and to trust no one that they dont know.

I wrote a letter to the editor of my paper about this very thing, but they said they could not print it..Go fiqure. Well theres always Castration, that seems to work well, it removes the urge and therefore the crime as well.

Lock and Load !!!
Russ, I have a 13 year old daughter so I know what you mean. For me it means doing everything I can to live in a nice neighborhood and send the kids to good schools. You try to educate them to the nasty stuff out there. Its difficult. You don't want your kids walking around paranoid. But choosing paranoia over having a child that will be scarred for life if, God forbid, anything were to happen, is the lesser of the two evils. There are certainly no guarantees. I know the stats indicate that the majority of molestations occur from someone the child knows and is comfortable around.

I guess I have a more liberal stance towards these people. They have been afflicted with an illness that is worse than cancer. That does not mean I wouldn't go to jail if anyone ever touched my children though. Sympathy can only go so far. The worst part, I believe is that these pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated. They are just wired wrong.

You got to be kidding me !! You would only take a liberal stance on this, BUT if it was your kid, now that would be different.

Sorry but thats the biggest load of crap that i have read on this forum..So Russ i guess he's cool with it if it happens to your kid, but look out if they molest his. :rolleyes: I think i have heard enough of this. In my book you are just as guilty as the SCUM %$# doing the deed.:mad: :mad:
Touch my child - yeah....just try!


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Russ, I didn't read everything you posted yet, I'll do that tonight.

One of my biggest fears as a father of a 1 & 4 year old is these scum bags. Its scary, I never feared anything when I was a child, ya my parents taught me about bad people and what to watch out for, but that was a different time. Now it just seems like its everywhere. We know you cant stop these people, its in them to do this, so I figure you get busted for touching a 2, 4, 8 , 12 year old you go to jail for 25 years and thats it

I talk to my boy all the time about what he has to be careful about, I hate that I half to bring this stuff up to him every week or so, heck I even am talking to my 14 month old, just little stuff, I'm hoping when she starts to understand it gets ingrained into her. I started my boy in Karate at age 3 1/2 and he's doing well. I play with him and show him how to fight, ya and I show him what we would of called dirty fighting when we were kids. Going for the crotch, how to gouge eyes, bite and I tell him not to use it unless its a bad adult or he's in a bad fight and he cant box or karate his way out of it. WTF has come of this world where we have to do this.

God I get so mad that they, we as a nation cant or wont protect our children, especially from these scum.

Our State or county, I think its state, is putting a curfew on all sex offenders on Halloween, they are not allowed to go out between 5:30 - 10:30 PM on the 31st. They are not allowed to give out any candy, they are not allowed to have any outside lights on. The parole, probation & police departments have all the names & addresses and they are going to do drive bys and call on the phone etc etc. If they break the rules of the curfews, they get arrestted. Its a step in the right direction I am glad they are doing something.

I F'in hate those who hurt children and yes I wouldnt mind seeing them all dead. The castration thing if it works , wouldnt be a bad idea, if we cant put them away for life

I think Celeste once posted a site of how you can find the sex offenders in your area, Its scary. There are dozens and dozens within a 10 mile raduis.
A Word of Caution...

The only crime a person can't recover from being the victim of is murder. I have no love of child molesters, but if you really want them dead, then agitate to get the death penalty passed as the punishment for the crime.

Just be aware that this crime is not easy to prove, but VERY easy to be accused of. Just look at the list of warning signs above. That could be just about any church sunday-school teacher I've ever met. Plenty of people come to religion because they aren't comfortable with "normal" interactions in today's world. That certainly doesn't make them pedophiles. They just may be shy and deeply religious.

Defending oneself from an accusation like this is difficult enough, but remember that the accusations usually make the news. Suddenly every person that sees you feels that they have the right to dig into your personal life.

We have law enforcement officers, and judges, and prison-systems to deal with scumbags (of all sorts) and people wrongly accused by scumbags.

After we convict people is the time to punish, not before. If we are going to stand up and shout, "Reverend!" every time somebody professes their desire to mutilate and/or kill people that commit these horrible crimes, let's at least be VERY SURE they have actually committed the crime.

I've seen what sexual abuse can do to a person, and I've seen people that have recovered from sexual abuse. I've also seen that the easiest way to strike out at a person in one of the career fields listed above, is to falsely accuse them of being a pedophile.

Pedophilia has no place in our society, and I don't want ANYBODY to be a victim of it. We need strong laws that deal with offenders in a way that makes sense. We need to educate without terrorizing our children. We need a way to ensure that offenders are caught, and that the innocent remain free and unharmed.

Telling people that don't march in lockstep with our views that they are as bad as pedophiles themselves is a ridiculous waste of energy. They aren't as bad as pedophiles, I think we'd all agree that we can be victimized by a person that commits crimes, but not by people that have some Christian sympathy for evil people.

Jesus prayed for the souls of his crucifiers.

I don't think Ken is suggesting above that we cuddle-up with pedophiles, or that it is OK for somebody else's kid to be raped. I think Ken is saying that he is sad that there exist people that are created so twisted that they feel an attraction to children.

That is the same difference as exists between our desire to kill somebody that has wronged us greatly, and ACTUALLY killing that person.

Even more, it is the same predicament military people find themselve dealing with: It is possible to know that you must kill, while feeling sadness that the person we must kill became our enemy.

It IS sad and mysterious that our loving and benign God has allowed so many twisted people to be created. How sad it must be to be the parent, or sibling, or child of a monster.
I have three girls and I constantly worry about them even though 2 of them are adults (21 and 23). We always knew the people we lived near and always made sure the kids knew not to talk to anyone they did not know, ever. We educated our kids about the "bad" people at early ages, so they would understand the potential for them getting hurt or worse. When the local police started posting the names and photographs of registered sex offenders, we showed them a picture and gave explicit instructions not to go anywhere near this person. And that actually paid off a few times. Not that my girls told me back then, but they have since. I ran one guy off that was trying to get my 14 year old to take a walk with him. She was 8 at the time and he didn't see me on the porch. Too bad I don't own a gun. I know, politically incorrect, but as Manny Ramirez said - "Who cares." At the time, if I had caught him, I would have killed him just because I knew who he was and what he wanted with my baby girl. I will put up with alot of crap, but don't ever mess with my family.
I am all for rehabilitation of people who CAN be rehabilitated. Unfortunately, most pediphiles are not good candidates for rehabilitation. Their desires are impulses they typically can't control.

I made sure my girls knew to go for the groin and eyes and scream like hell if they were ever attacked.

I like the halloween curfew idea. I am not aware of my town doing that, but I might call the police and make a suggestion.

But, even with all the talking in the world, kids will make mistakes. I just found out a few weeks ago that over summer break, my youngest opened the door for a strange guy that showed up at the back door and she proceeded to tell him she was home alone. I went nuts!!!! Her explaination - She was in her own home and felt secure that no one would come to our house to harm her. She had to think about it when I asked if he wasn't up to no good why did he walk all the way around the house to knock at the back door instead of just knocking on the front door?
She got lucky and she now knows it.
Scott Millen:

...Profound as usual. Always amazed by your ability to communicate with words.

I'm shooting from the hip here, but we all know that, just like alcoholism, etc. abusers have usually been abused in their past. They didn't ask to be the way they are; like Scott said, just wired wrong. I don't think anyone would want to be the scum of society---besides, it just isn't normal to be attracted to children. I was reading something about online (child) porn the other day, said that there is a huge market for---this makes me sick just to type it---there is a huge market for child porn that includes babies all the way down to 4months old. That is so disturbing I cannot fathom it. But who would want to be that way??

Like was said earlier, recidivism for child predators is off the charts. So what do you do??

Scott mentioned "why would a loving God create people capable of this?". Very deep question. Hey Scott, next time we talk let's get into that. That is a great discussion!!:)