Boy that's low..... We always carried a 3 million UMBRELLA until yesterday. I know that some of us here on the BBS ( Eastern ) that I talked to today have been required to carry a $4 million umbrella policy on some of their jobs.
The above requirements must be for a lower paying cleaning jobs.
If in California Bay Area, you know Carlos that you, by law, have to get permits from the SD in the area as well as notify the SRWQCB as well as the county on top of the city jobs. A proven filter with blue prints must be submitted to these Dept's.
Now water usage may be an issue as well. And the fire dept must be notified for the obvious reasons.
Carlos, may I suggest that you make sure before you put the UAMCC on the books for credit of this job, that you check out who is representing you from the cleaning. The last thing you want is to give this bid to someone who is not qualified, they get busted with your logo on the front page as the organization who recommended the job. That would not look good for the UAMCC.
So far over 180k in fines from people doing a parking garage incorrectly as of January in one district alone. Even strapped SF is looking to cash in.
Let me know if I can help....