Parking garage Cleaning Course coming SOON!!!

would be interested in this also.
I would want to see at least 3-4 different rigs and how they operate. I think Scott would be a great teacher but I also would like to hear from someone the does it for a penny.

Just because Scott does it for half a cent doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's doing. Come on, give him a chance.
Dude, I pay them. That is why I have to be so efficient to make money. It is all about the volume.
Dude, I pay them. That is why I have to be so efficient to make money. It is all about the volume.

I saw one of your guys checking in after a job last time I was down there. It helps when you've got the crew using the internet to clock in and out on jobs.

Nope, not one of my guys. He is dressed too well.
Our company would be interested in the class to see how someone else cleans garages.
I'd be interested only if you are giving away gloves, ear plugs and safety glasses, enough where I can steal enough of them to recoup the price of the class and plane ticket. Thanks, something like these gloves probably 20-30 pairs set aside for me would be great. I'll post the safety glasses you should giveaway later . Thanks Scott, love those freebies.

I bet I know someone from out west that will show if you give those gloves away. Maybe both of you could teach the course

Now thats funny!
I am definately interested.
I'm interested since it will be in Phoenix. I might make it to Tampa after all. If I do it will be a last minute trip for me though. I have some out of state jobs coming up but the dates are still up in the air for those jobs. So that's what I'm waiting on before I fully commit coming to Tampa.