Paint coming off


New member
I went to pressure wash a friends house the other day and his paint was shit. When it was dry, you could rub you finger on it and the paint would be like dry chaulk all over your hand. This is in Florida, so is this due to the sun breaking down the paint? The house is only about 4 years old and it is white paint on stucco. I am not the expert on paint by no means but this was ridiculous I thought. I couldnt even due his house because of this so i just did his driveway and facia.
I have presure washed other stucco painted houses before and they came out awesome and they were equally as old as far as paint jobs? Any answers to this? Thanks guys
to metman

When I first started pressure washing I did houses and the same thing you describe has happened to me. I was told that it could have been cheap water based paint and that the paint on houses (expecially in hot areas) will oxidize just like a car.

After taking most of the paint off a house I started doing a small test area before hitting it hard and if it looked like there was going to be a problem I went and got the owner and told him/her that there might be a potential problem. Once I rolled up and went home. Better to be safe than sorry, and I hope this helps you.