P90X fitness program? Anybody used it before?

Tony i would start doing some Push-ups, sit-ups, and air squats to help with not being so sore after your first workout!!

I'm doing pullups and chinups all the time getting in and out of the lift and climbing all over stuff on roofs. Many times the lift is at 6 or 7 ft in the air and I have to climb my big 269lb butt into it.

I'm not in good shape by any means, but I'm going to give it my best shot. If I have to start it over again in march I'll just have to do that.

I'm a relentless b*stard when I want to be.
Tony, I highly recommend the P90X recovery shake. It comes in a powder. Tastes very good, like an orange creamsicle. Good mix of carbs and protien. Best tasting after workout drink I've ever had.

I read the nutrition guide last night. It's very close to what I already eat. Basically the only difference between what I'm eating now and the P90X diet is a little more grain and fruit carbs because you are burning more.

I'm going to stick to the Rosedale diet until I burn off all this excess fat. Then I'll probably switch to the other one.

It's going to be a long road. At first, starting Jan 1 my goal was to get down to around 210 or so. But now I'm excited about the possibility of getting down to 185 or 190.

If I haven't lost any muscle in the past 13 years 190 lbs puts me at 9% body fat. I haven't been there since 1997!

Back then I was riding a bike 15-40 miles 6 days a week plus working out 4 days.

I was on the Jarod diet from subway while Jarod was still fat! I had a lowfat diet that slimmed me down from 220 to 190 in a year.


You guys are going to crap when you see the before and after pictures later.
My Sons old Workout

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All this 'look how fat I am' talk made me wonder....so back from the scale I'm 175.5lbs
4ft hahaha I'm not Roger!!!...........I'm 5-10