Well Greg said he knows everything so thats that :sarcastic: This started out as a joke, but who knew anyone on this forum was actually teaching for a fee.
So to answer your question, if there is a need for this I would be more than intrested in teaching. As far as what we would teach, well it would have to be every aspect of this buisness. From the actual work to be performed to the logistics of multiple state contract cleaning to hands on repair's of equipment.
We have done just about everything in P/W that you can imagine along with Residential, so I would think that it would be monies well spent. Like i had said in the past, i only wish we had someone back in the day to learn from, it would have been worth every penny to me. So send the check and let's get started !!! P/W 101 starts with What color boots to wear, so people know weather you are a shrimper or a P/W....:neo: