our Change !

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
As of yesterday we bought out a Birmingham company and landed a wonderful contract that now puts Prokleen Pressure Washing working in 4 states :ALABAMA, GEORGIA, FLORIDA and TENNESSEE

We will be working as far south as Talahassee and Gainesville Florida, then from around Thomasville up to Atlanta Georgia over to Chatanooga to Lawrenceburg Tn. and the entire state of Alabama !

Thanks goes to Ron for teaching me how to go after the "Big boys"

and the customer found me here last year
that sounds like a lot of area to cover, good for you.
So you're gonna start pissin in my sand box?You guys can congrat and pat on the back all you want,but out of state companies make it hard for us to make a living.........just what I need another company from out of state trying to rob me of the accounts I worked my ass of to get.
If it ain't bubba,Jethro or Cletus from who knows where swinging into town because the worked dried up in their home state it's the freakin $79wash anything guys or the Gypsies.Thank God we provide top notch service to our commercial accounts.A lesser comapny would have lost them to the out of towners who sell on price only.
I guess the best I can hope for is Russ will charge what the work is worth instead of giving the chit away.
Congratulations Russ ,
You Da Big Dog now, just remember i look exactly like my Avatar. Stay outta VA or i pity da fool, sucka.
Russ so I have an understanding of your business heading south, what types of jobs are you doing or is it work on a certain company in all these areas? Hugh
congrats RUSS

your kidding right Scott? either way its funny
So you're gonna start pissin in my sand box?You guys can congrat and pat on the back all you want,but out of state companies make it hard for us to make a living.........just what I need another company from out of state trying to rob me of the accounts I worked my ass of to get.
If it ain't bubba,Jethro or Cletus from who knows where swinging into town because the worked dried up in their home state it's the freakin $79wash anything guys or the Gypsies.Thank God we provide top notch service to our commercial accounts.A lesser comapny would have lost them to the out of towners who sell on price only.
I guess the best I can hope for is Russ will charge what the work is worth instead of giving the chit away.
Russ, even though I would not go after a big company like you did because I perfer to stay small. Could you email me with the company name? Copgib@earthlink.net Thanks Hugh
congats Russ, if it werent for all of you guys i would have gave up by now. i respect all the other wash companies here in va and would not ever try to steal an account. And i plan to sit on my a$$ the rest of the season rather than do a 99.00 special.
however in response to my ole buddy Scott K, I didnt intend to piss in anyones sandbox but if you feel that way I guess you are just mad because someone else is "invading" your "territory" no offence intended partner but I was asked for the bid and did not change add to or lower my price to get the job , I let my work and work ethics speak for its self , just as I am sure you do .In fact I originally was only trying to pick up accounts lost due to seperation of the region but it just worked out the way it did , however I am not looking to devolip any more down that way than I have already and I can say that none of this was yours or Hughs nor did you try to get in on the bid.

I see folks here from out of state from time to time and I just lookm at it like this , when I see them I realize that I need to work a little harder and I try to see where I may have slipped.

best of luck to all and I wish everyone good fortune
another thing I forgot to say was If I cant get people where I am from to pay for work or to pay us to clean I will go and work where I have to to keep my family fed

and Hugh I dont know what you call a "big" company but this is only 150 stores , which is about 50 per month and we do them in or around 1 to a 1.5 week period , if I were Ron I could get it all done in a half a night