Orlando Round Table By PowerWashStore.com & CleanFastUSA Jan 21st Demos 22 am only

Softwashapolooza is less than 2 miles away on Thr, Fri and Sat. It is SOLD OUT but we will still have hang out time. Will have 120 there.


Steven, Paul and Ron ,
I am sorry I will not be able to make it to the round table.
My Dad was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer Dec. 13th and has been in and out of the hospital and rehab care centers since than.
Thursday we moved him into a Hospice inpatient care center. He has been deteriorating quickly since Friday. It's hard to say when he will pass but I don't want to leave his side.
I haven't keep up with news on the round table but if it's full and someone could use my spot that would be great.
Thank you all for your prayers, they were and are needed.
My Dad passed away tonight at 5:45 he went very quickly but best of all very peacefully.
The best part of owning your own business is being able to take time off. Since Dec. 15th I have been able to be at my Dads side and spend quality one on one time. There were things on my list to never do. That list is much shorter now that I cared for someone I loved very much.

Please take the time to find a booklet called "My five wishes" it goes through step by step of how you want to be cared for at the end of life. It is legal in 40 states (if I remember right) It makes things easier for the care giver.
Sorry for your loss Mike!