Old Bleach?


Heres the deal. I went by my supplier this morning to talk price and not only did he get my price down around the other places ive checked locally but He told me theyve got 20 drums of old bleach that is now 4-5 %...
Said If I want its mine

He also said it wont get any worse than that. Is that true?

At first I thought no but then thought what the heck maybe dilute it a little for house washes and run it strait for roofs....
:big_boss:Hey sell it to Low Ball Larry
Heres the deal. I went by my supplier this morning to talk price and not only did he get my price down around the other places ive checked locally but He told me theyve got 20 drums of old bleach that is now 4-5 %...
Said If I want its mine

He also said it wont get any worse than that. Is that true?

At first I thought no but then thought what the heck maybe dilute it a little for house washes and run it strait for roofs....

I would use it.
Heres the deal. I went by my supplier this morning to talk price and not only did he get my price down around the other places ive checked locally but He told me theyve got 20 drums of old bleach that is now 4-5 %...
Said If I want its mine

He also said it wont get any worse than that. Is that true?

At first I thought no but then thought what the heck maybe dilute it a little for house washes and run it strait for roofs....
SH is basically salt and active chlorine.
Once it gets old, it loses the chlorine, but the salt is still active.
If it was once 12.5 percent, and degraded down to 4 percent chlorine, it will still be a very salty solution.
You may be able to get away with house wash Chris, since you are diluting with plenty water.
But for roofs, gotta be careful.
The solution may clean ok, if you use it straight, but will have a lot of salt content that can bite you by killing plants.
But, if you rinse with PLENTY of water afterwards, you should be ok.
I would not feel comfortable leaving as salty a solution as that degraded chlorine on a roof.
Ok that answers my question right there. Last thing I need to do is go around killing landscaping.

Got my barlox sample today. Made a "little" soap in the garage earlier. I need to buy a larger batch So I can really play around with it.
We are ALL "playing" Chris :grin:
It is only through experimentation that we improve.
I can't begin to tell you how many dead ends I have had that initially showed great promise.
The barlox should be just fine, but if what I JUST found turns out like I think it will, it may all be academic!
I will fill you in by PM