on your first post said.... I had said something poorly about you (not true)
you said it was something said on pt state ....go read it said nothing about you...it was about calling people hacks
and finally in regards to russ I learned 2-3 months ago not to mess with him and i was sorry that happened
I thought it was a liitle funny about tgp (I felt the same way about being left out)
ron you said don"t call you ...then maybe you could refraim fom posting this kind of stuff
"I have no issue with you but it seems you cant stop talking Poorly about me and you really dont even know who I'am (nothing was said or talked about you)
dont believe me go read it
David, someone else did this. Not me, i dont care what you say about dont say about me. Attack my company and my business then we will have trouble.
Keep posting and stop taking shit personal. I dont really care about you or anything you say.
I care about people who ad positive stuff, ad something posistive and stop getting caught up in politics.
I have my own ideals and you are not going to change my mind. Please just post and enjoy the BBS instead of worring about getting banned. If you get banned there are 9 other bbs to post on.
Stop taking this personal.