Obama wealth spread in stores now!

Q. What do Obama and Osama have in common?
A. They both have friends who bombed the Pentagon.

Q. Why did Obama change his name from Barry to Barack?
A. He thought Barry sounded too American.

Q. Why won’t Obama Messiah release his real birth certificate?
A. It shows that he didn’t have a virgin birth.

Q: What do you get when you cross a crooked politician with a crooked lawyer?
A: Barack Obama.

Q. Why will Jay Leno vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because he’s running out of George Bush jokes.

Q. Why will Britney Spears vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because she’s running out of other crazy things to do.

Q. Why wouldn’t Barack salute the American flag?
A. It was ours.

Q. Why will Jimmy Carter vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because Carter doesn’t want to be the worst President in history.

Q. Why is Barack Obama so thin and scrawny?
A. If he were any heavier he wouldn’t be able to walk on water.
Barack Obama was seated next to a little girl on an airplane trip back to Washington. He turned to her and said, “Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to The Obama, “What would you like to talk about?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” said the Obama. “How about What Changes I Should Make To America?” and he smiles.

“OK,” she says. “That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?”

Obama, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it for a second and finally says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.”

To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to change America when you don’t know shit?”
Russ & staff, Please dont erase this post. I think its should stay. i'm not going to fight with Dj, thats what he wants.
No what i want is for you to leave me the hell alone, stop txtin me, stop calling me, stop calling me out on the boards . . .i mean damn ron your worse then some of the broken hearted girls i've had !!!

I left you alone a few weeks ago, I thought you knew that.
Oh REALLY cause i'm pretty sure you came out of no where in this thread and made a direct call out on me?!?! Am i wrong??
Anyway, you will find when you say stuff it sticks in people minds and heads. Some folks around here forget quick, others dont.
Thats fine Ron because un like some people i'm REAL and what i say i mean!!!

So please do leave my post that way every one can see I am ME!!!
I guess I must have missed it :eek: Good thing I guess.

I will stay out of this one for sure, what ever it was.

But it good to see you have a sense of Humor Jeff about Obama LOL we all need that to not go crazy......
Again...I just mentioned that some people may take offense of what was said...thats all!


You correct again, I guess I'm still offended.

One thing I have learned, those who are racist will stay racist.

I'm going to forget about racist comments. Have at gents, just remember that your not the only people on the BBS.
Nope not for me Ron, I will stay clear of any of that stuff, I do like good Fun but not the Racist stuff, not my cup of tea.

I hope people think before posting real bad stuff on here and get into stuff thats hard to get out of after it is said.
It doesnt surprise me you see nothing at all wrong with some of the comments
Yes of course he is fair game. But members (black members)may not want to hear about hanging a black man, that to me is pretty blatantly racial so maybe to a black man it would be too

Wealth Spread thats stuffs funny even some of what I am commenting on is funny to me and you but may not be to others because maybe there grandfather or great grandfather was hung back in the day.

Hanging was used to terrorize the black people some time ago and just the mention of it is truly offensive to SOME. Was anybody in your family ever hung by a wild bunch of black men??? has anybody in your family been hung while a cross is being burnt on your front lawn? OFF LIMITS, maybe just common decentsy to members on PWI that are black

Like I said its just my opinion when it comes to the hanging jokes

How would you like someone talking bad about God & Jesus, if they put it in the form of a joke is it OK, maybe maybe not. All you God loving moral guys are usually the ones that never see anything wrong with comments like that (hanging) Funny to me. I don't think it would be funny to God

You know I am pretty prejudice (just ask my wife), not a big deal usually but like I said on the BB somethings should be kept to joking off the BB. Thats why I commented on it.

I know just another liberal Jeff thing

Jeff I see Your point. I would like all to remember how SADAM died and what color he was. Sorry guys I grew up in the burbs of Chicago IL I was not aware of racizm till I moved to Florida when I was a teenager. Then when I lived in Atlanta I got a true taste of it. Its funny how we remember the black slaves and their hangings. There where plenty of whites, asians, and every other nationality that came to this country that where made to work in horrible conditions and where Hung because of what they believed or where accused of i.e. witchcraft, treason, not doing what they where told.

Hey thanks for turning a funny thing so serious
Russ & staff, Please dont erase this post. I think its should stay. i'm not going to fight with Dj, thats what he wants.

I left you alone a few weeks ago, I thought you knew that.

Anyway, you will find when you say stuff it sticks in people minds and heads. Some folks around here forget quick, others dont.

:D :D :D I love this board
Jeff I see Your point. I would like all to remember how SADAM died and what color he was. Sorry guys I grew up in the burbs of Chicago IL I was not aware of racizm till I moved to Florida when I was a teenager. Then when I lived in Atlanta I got a true taste of it. Its funny how we remember the black slaves and their hangings. There where plenty of whites, asians, and every other nationality that came to this country that where made to work in horrible conditions and where Hung because of what they believed or where accused of i.e. witchcraft, treason, not doing what they where told.

Hey thanks for turning a funny thing so serious

Just my opinion dude. I felt it could be very offensive just the hanging stuff. I did find the ornamant thing funny but when there was the 2nd comment of hanging (which I also thought was a good joke)I just wanted to give my thoughts on it. There was a case just a few weeks ago where a black man left PT State because of simular comments.

What can I say, you know I'm such a serious guy

Got any funny witch jokes, maybe I can tear those apart
Jeff I see Your point. I would like all to remember how SADAM died and what color he was. Sorry guys I grew up in the burbs of Chicago IL I was not aware of racizm till I moved to Florida when I was a teenager. Then when I lived in Atlanta I got a true taste of it. Its funny how we remember the black slaves and their hangings. There where plenty of whites, asians, and every other nationality that came to this country that where made to work in horrible conditions and where Hung because of what they believed or where accused of i.e. witchcraft, treason, not doing what they where told.

Hey thanks for turning a funny thing so serious
I moved to Fl from Boston in 89 and yes the South I was called a cracker LoL
I to was not aware of it
Barack Obama was seated next to a little girl on an airplane trip back to Washington. He turned to her and said, “Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to The Obama, “What would you like to talk about?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” said the Obama. “How about What Changes I Should Make To America?” and he smiles.

“OK,” she says. “That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?”

Obama, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it for a second and finally says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.”

To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to change America when you don’t know shit?”

Argue all you want, that was funny. lol
The term racism has been dumbed down over the years. It used to mean that a person believes that one race is genetically superior to another, less human. Back in the days of slavery thats exactly what many thought. Blacks were treated like animals. Bought, sold and made to do its owners bidding.

Today, if you are white, you are labeled a racist if you disagree with anyone that is not white.
You are a TRUE LIB there Jeff bringing God and Jesus into this, BUT he was telling a Joke about the Messiah Obama LOL just a Joke Jeff ;) With that Said I'm off to worship services to repent...................
You are a TRUE LIB there Jeff bringing God and Jesus into this, BUT he was telling a Joke about the Messiah Obama LOL just a Joke Jeff ;) With that Said I'm off to worship services to repent...................

Tery, I'm just a liberal PITA to counter all you Rightwing PITA's. I have to get it out here on the BB's , hell I'm a damn Yankee living in the Middle of the Republican bible belt, I can't argue this crap at the local coffee shop, I'd probably get shot.:D

Hey Tery, I know I'm not a great Christian, but I do pray everyday. Never for myself, its always for others. I used to pray for myself, in my bad days, it worked so I guess I even have a chance of going to heaven. Naaaa I'm doomed, I heard god is a republican oops, yup I'm doomed
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