Obama wealth spread in stores now!

That was cool.
I am getting you an Obama collective plate for Christmas!!!:D

Only $19.95 but limit two per customer

I'm sick of Obama already, spreading the wealth crap. Only the rich and big corps should get tax breaks & bailout money like its always been. Big biz is the back bone of this country. I think we should bail out more of the big corps those poor guys are going through such a rough time:rolleyes: Poor Citigroup, AIG, Countrywide Mortgage. What about all those poor oil companies, gas at $1.70 a gallon how are they going to survive. Bail them all out, we can have our kids pay off all the debt later:D

I'm waiting for the plates to go on sale. I heard you can get George Bush plates for 57 cents now

Have a nice day all:)
I hear obama ornaments are all the rage this year. Everyone wants to hang him from their tree.
Hahahahahahahah :D Good one Kory.
Now wait a minute.......Did you see on tv where they put Obama and an apple in a tree and pushed them off the branch at the same time to see which one hit the ground first? The apple landed on the ground first........The rope stopped Obama
Yes I find these funny guys but you know something we have members of PWI that are black and might find this stuff pretty offensive. It has nothing to do with being politically correct, hanging jokes might just be going over the line a little. Just thinking about our PWI members and as a moderator I just felt I should bring it up. Just my $.02

The wealth spead is some funny chit
As long a Scrappy's not involved I can't say anyone here is playing the race card.

I just was wondering if he would work beside our leader and chief. Or does he think it makes us look bad because hes not white?

All the joking aside, I think we should be able to joke alittle about the preseident, but no race remarks for sure.

I'm certain PWI is not and all white and no other colored people becuase I have met about 50 people that are on the BBS that are not white.

Carlos being one of them, he is now the head of our national org. To me it doesnt matter if the presidents green. As long as he does his job and runs the cuontry.

Lets keep them funny but race free guys, Jeff a bleeding liberal but he right about the race issue.

Dj, that means you too... http://www.propowerwash.com/board/upload/showpost.php?p=114617&postcount=4
I don't see anything Racist about this post or am I missing something? He is fair game now being the Pres and all and there is no reason not to make fun of him like all the other presidents we have had. I think it will be Very Hipacritical and I don't think because he is of Color that he is OFF LIMITS to the same treatment lets say BUSH has gotten now or am I wrong? As long as it is not Blatantly Racist

Just My 2 Cents ;)
Ron, when are you going to learn the difference between "and" & "an"

Ron when are you going to stop playing with gerbils and rubber sheets

Ron when are you going learn I don't give two sheet in the wind what you say?

Ron when you gonna grow the F##K UP and leave me alone?!!!!!!!!!

Russ & staff, Please dont erase this post. I think its should stay. i'm not going to fight with Dj, thats what he wants.

I left you alone a few weeks ago, I thought you knew that.

Anyway, you will find when you say stuff it sticks in people minds and heads. Some folks around here forget quick, others dont.
I don't see anything Racist about this post or am I missing something? He is fair game now being the Pres and all and there is no reason not to make fun of him like all the other presidents we have had. I think it will be Very Hipacritical and I don't think because he is of Color that he is OFF LIMITS to the same treatment lets say BUSH has gotten now or am I wrong? As long as it is not Blatantly Racist

Just My 2 Cents ;)

It doesnt surprise me you see nothing at all wrong with some of the comments
Yes of course he is fair game. But members (black members)may not want to hear about hanging a black man, that to me is pretty blatantly racial so maybe to a black man it would be too

Wealth Spread thats stuffs funny even some of what I am commenting on is funny to me and you but may not be to others because maybe there grandfather or great grandfather was hung back in the day.

Hanging was used to terrorize the black people some time ago and just the mention of it is truly offensive to SOME. Was anybody in your family ever hung by a wild bunch of black men??? has anybody in your family been hung while a cross is being burnt on your front lawn? OFF LIMITS, maybe just common decentsy to members on PWI that are black

Like I said its just my opinion when it comes to the hanging jokes

How would you like someone talking bad about God & Jesus, if they put it in the form of a joke is it OK, maybe maybe not. All you God loving moral guys are usually the ones that never see anything wrong with comments like that (hanging) Funny to me. I don't think it would be funny to God

You know I am pretty prejudice (just ask my wife), not a big deal usually but like I said on the BB somethings should be kept to joking off the BB. Thats why I commented on it.

I know just another liberal Jeff thing
How would you like someone talking bad about God & Jesus, if they put it in the form of a joke is it OK
Yes, thats why its called a joke. Is it ok to make fun of fat people? Retards? The list goes on and on, chances are you will always offend someone.