Obama is hiding something.

I have decided to vote for myself as president... Man I cant believe ( Obama is winning ) the USA believes this man will do what ??? Next thing you know he will be importing terrorist to our country.. Also I dont care much for Mc Cain and Palin, Where did these nut jobs come from.. I guess if Obaa wins , wonder where I tax money is going to go ... Probably to some third world country that will war against us... WTF are people thinking ... This makes me sick..

This is the part that upsets me. I don't really like either one. Out of all the excellent leaders we have in this country, why don't we have better choices for the most important job in America.

Where are the leaders of the past? There have been unbelievably successful leaders that have ran this country. I just don't see these people anymore.
This is the part that upsets me. I don't really like either one. Out of all the excellent leaders we have in this country, why don't we have better choices for the most important job in America.

Where are the leaders of the past? There have been unbelievably successful leaders that have ran this country. I just don't see these people anymore.

Amen to that. Osama and McLame are all this country has to offer us? God help us all.
If you guys are sick of voting for the lesser of the two evils than DONT. If you really want change you have to vote for an independant or a write in. This will take a awhile to take hold since people want change but are also afraid of change. But the only way to get change now is not to vote for either the Dems or Rep.
We have a Very Small GENE POOL to vote from it seems anymore and it does not look like it is getting anybetter right now. People who would do a good job are not going to run and go through the crap they put them through, I mean look at what they are trying to do to this Joe the Plumber guy just because he asked Obama why he was going to raise taxs. They are treating him like a criminal for asking a Question for the love of GOD.

Why would anybody that can make more in the private sector put them selfs into this mess we have now days running for office or even asking a Question of one of our leaders? It's the sad state of our country right now.

I just hope we can someday before it's to late get somebdy to run that does for the people and not special interests and I just don't see it happening anytime soon.
quick question for you guys...

If Obama is elected President (Commander-in-chief), will you give him support in the short-medium term to help turn YOUR country around?

I don't agree with his socialist policies, although, I think many of them are skewed by right-wing media (much in the same way McCain's are skewed by the left wing media)... I have seen them tried and 'fail' in Europe. However, with the United States of America traditionally being a center-right country - will he be able to enforce the 'reported' policies he is proposing?

He won't have the budget to do so... if he tries to tax everyone and everything to do it, their will be SERIOUS unrest amongst the people - I can't see it being as bad as everyone reports.

America has a strong social and moral core, if he tries to take this country to the far left (which I don't think he will), people will not allow it.

As for the tongue-in-cheek 'anti-christ', he's a politician... they are incapable of the truth!!!

John McCain has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

Joe Biden has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

Sarah Palin has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

... and yes, Barack Obama has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

Does he have an agenda to break the US and ruin the country... take a step back, do you really think he wants to take the US away from its standing in the world?

The country is in a bad way, finger pointing aside, it is in a bad way.... I'm optimistic, just as many of us are... but there is no one person to blame, or one group to blame. We are human and will always look for a reason or explanation for the situations we face... my opinion for what's to blame?

CAPITALISM ------ and I am not for changing it!!

Someone on a Q&A page on the web put the pros and cons of it like this:

Pros = It works

Cons = It only works if you do

Fact is, we all want the best and more - not necessarily for greed, but to have the best for our family's and ourselves... nothing wrong with that, we are entitled to it.

... anyway, I'm off on a tangent. :( :confused: :)

One thing the US media (TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Online Video, Blogs, Viral Email...) is good at is propaganda... whipping up hysteria and questioning every last detail of an individual's conduct.

With regard to the content of all the Obama videos, I found this quote"

"Conspiracy theories are like black holes--they suck in everything that comes their way, regardless of content or origin...Everything you've ever known or experienced, no matter how 'meaningless', once it contacts the conspiratorial universe, is enveloped by and cloaked in sinister significance. Once inside, the vortex gains in size and strength, sucking in everything you touch."

"As an example of this sort of mechanism, one has only to mention the so-called 'umbrella man', a man who opened up an umbrella on a sunny day in Dealey Plaza just as President John F. Kennedy's motorcade was passing. A number of 'conspiracy theorists' have assumed that this man was signalling to the assassins, thus tying a seemingly trivial and inconsequential act into the alleged plot to kill Kennedy. It is precisely this totalistic, all-encompassing quality that distinguishes 'conspiracy theories' from the secret but often mundane political planning that is carried out on a daily basis by all sorts of groups, both within and outside of government. It should, however, be pointed out that even if the 'umbrella man' was wholly innocent of any involvement in a plot, as he almost certainly was, this does not mean that the Warren Commission's reconstruction of the assassination is accurate."

my $2 worth = 1.15GBP = 1.48EUR = 13.67YUAN

... Gas is below $3... yippee! :D

I have decided I am not ahuge fan of either candidate. Of course I am a dem and rather Obama, but I have my worries about him. I just hope he's not to left when it comes down to it. McCain I could of supported back several years ago, but if he gets in as Prez I will support him. Althou I dont agree with a lot of he stands for sometimes I think at heart he is moderate.

I want someone in the center like most of the USA is.

So who ever gets in I will support them. I didnt when Bush Jr was in, I just never really liked hiim, but neither of these guys are Bush.

I supported Bush Sr & Reagan, didnt like all there policies often. but I thought they were honest and tried to do the best they could

Good luck USA, we need it no matter who gets in
Good luck USA, we need it no matter who gets in, but especially if Obama gets in.

Sorry, needed to fix that for you.

I have stated all along that McCain is a poor choice for a republican, and even if I had to go with an Arizona Senator, he would still be my second choice. I would vote for the other Arizona Senator, Kyl, in a heartbeat. McCain, as impressive as his credentials are, is not near the measure of man that is needed to be president. Obama is even deeper in the gene pool.

And, I am still trying to figure something out. Everyone keeps attacking Palin, and her credentials to be Vice President. Why doesn't anyone ask the same questions about Obama? His credentials are far shakier than hers, with just two practical years in the senate, and NO executive experience.
Sorry, needed to fix that for you.

I have stated all along that McCain is a poor choice for a republican, and even if I had to go with an Arizona Senator, he would still be my second choice. I would vote for the other Arizona Senator, Kyl, in a heartbeat. McCain, as impressive as his credentials are, is not near the measure of man that is needed to be president. Obama is even deeper in the gene pool.

And, I am still trying to figure something out. Everyone keeps attacking Palin, and her credentials to be Vice President. Why doesn't anyone ask the same questions about Obama? His credentials are far shakier than hers, with just two practical years in the senate, and NO executive experience.

What a racist. ;)

The problem is that some people do mention it, and it is shrugged off, like well, he's black, so he doesnt need any experience. Affirmative action anyone? It has now infiltrated the highest levels...
What scares me is that he is muslem and he wants to lift the ban on meeting with terrorists leaders. AMERICANS DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!!!
If you guys are sick of voting for the lesser of the two evils than DONT. If you really want change you have to vote for an independant or a write in. This will take a awhile to take hold since people want change but are also afraid of change. But the only way to get change now is not to vote for either the Dems or Rep.

That is exactly what I plan to do, vote for an independent. I agree 100%. Nothing will change as long as a dem or republican is in the White House.
Your Damm right, he is the Anti - Christ...Muslim, that cant and wont prove that he is a Naturilized born citizen of the USA..