Obama is hiding something.

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
This is for anyone who is thinking of voting for this Muslim..besides this video, i still cant consider anyone who does not recognize our American ways of life, he is a closet flag burning Muslim.

This ones my favorite.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zUdjhKbImwE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zUdjhKbImwE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I think Osama oh sorry i meant Obama is the anti-christ and if he is elected then we all will know when it it will be dooms day. :0)
Propoganda is powerful stuff.
Quote from Louis Farrakhan: The Messiah is absolutely speaking.

"You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."
God warns of a world leader who will soon rise and grow in power. This coming world leader has been given around 33 names and titles (which describe attributes) in the Bible (both in the Old and New Testaments) ... one of which is the 'Antichrist.' The Bible says this man will not be revealed until after the 'Restrainer' (the Holy Spirit - including the body of believers alive at the time) is 'removed' (as a note, some believe it might also include the U.S. being 'removed' from its role as a restraining world power). This coming world leader (the Antichrist) will begin by exerting control over ten nations which were once part of the Roman Empire (most likely European) . . .

"The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from [out of]

this kingdom [the Roman Empire ... could be 10 nations out of the Europe Union)

And another shall rise after them;

he [the Antichrist] shall be different from the first ones,

and shall subdue three kings [or nations] . . ." [The end begins]

(Dan 7:24)

"Shall be different"... we don't know what nationality this man will be, or what might make him "different." In one verse he is described as 'the Assyrian' (an area around Syria and Iraq). He may be considered an 'alien' by some. This man will quickly consolidate power over 10 nations which were once part of the Roman Empire (probably European) and then over the whole world through treaties and war. God warns this man will be empowered by Satan. He will lead the world into the terrors of the Apocalypse. This coming world leader has been given many names and titles in the Bible, including one of the best known, yet most misleading - the 'Antichrist.' Although he will be against faithful Christians and will mock God’s Word, the world will view him as a great leader and a man of peace. This man will be Satan’s counterfeit messiah. He will use deception and lies to "spin" his web of deceit and to conceal his true motives. Prophecies hint this man will not be fully revealed until after the Rapture, when the "Restrainer" is taken out of the way . . .

"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work;

only He who now restrains [the Holy Spirit]

will do so until He is taken out of the way.

And then the lawless one [Anti-christ] will be revealed,

whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth

and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

The coming of the lawless one [Anti-christ]

is according to the working of Satan,

with all power, signs [miracles], and lying wonders"

(II Th 2:7-9)

"He who now restrains" . . . The Rapture of the Church

We are told that all who believe Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) died for their sins, was buried, then raised from the dead, and accept Him as their Lord and Savior (who saves us from Hell) are "born again," and are then indwelt by the Holy Spirit. According to the Bible, you cannot separate the Holy Spirit from the believing Christian. This is God’s promise. So, in order to remove "He who now restrains" (the Holy Spirit), God must also remove the body of believers who are alive at that time. This is why many believe the man some call the 'Antichrist' cannot be revealed until after the Rapture of the Church (admittedly a pretty 'hard to comprehend' prophecy) . . . so we don't spend too much time trying to figure out who this guy is. Also, since there doesn't appear to be any obvious prophecies concerning America specifically during the Tribulation period, some feel the U.S. may be "neutralized" as an international restraining force at or around this same time . . .

The Beast: The Rise of Satan's Anti-christ . . .

So, the world will soon get the leader it seems to be longing and waiting for. A powerful leader who will be popular, attractive, charismatic, and a great talker whose many words will not be chosen for truth, but for lies and deception. A leader who will kill many Christians and Jews . . .

"Then I stood on the sand of the sea.

And I saw a beast [Satan’s Anti-christ]

rising up out of the sea,

having seven heads and ten horns,

and on his horns ten crowns,

[The book of Daniel explains these represent 10 nations he will rule]

and on his heads a blasphemous name . . .

The dragon [Satan] gave him his power,

his throne, and great authority."

(Rev 13:1,2)

"The coming of the lawless one [the coming 'Antichrist']

is according to the working of Satan,

with all power, signs [miracles], and lying wonders"

(II Th 2:9-10)

"It was granted to him to make war with the saints

and to overcome them [he will slaughter millions].

And authority was given him

over every tribe, tongue, and nation."

[This "leader" will dominate "World" governments]

(Rev 13:7)

"Woe to the worthless shepherd,

who leaves the flock! [Jewish? Christian?]

A sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye;

his [the Antichrist’s] arm shall completely wither,

and his right eye shall be totally blinded."

[This may happen when he receives his mortal "head wound"]

(Zech 11:17)

This man whom we call the Antichrist has been given many different titles in the Bible. The most well known term "Antichrist" is unfortunate, because it is misleading. Misleading because, although this man will be against Christ (the Messiah), the world will see him as a "pseudo-christ." This man will not be ugly or scary looking. This future world leader will be Satan’s counterfeit Christ (Messiah.) This coming leader will be very, very popular in the eyes of the world. The world will love him. The world will see him as a great leader, a man of "peace," and as a "messiah." While God sees this man as a lying, evil, vicious, and bloodthirsty . . . "Beast."

We are told quite a bit about this coming world leader, Satan’s counterfeit messiah, who will someday soon rise in power . . .

- He will be indwelt and empowered by Satan

- He will rise to power first over 3 and then 10 nations [from the old Roman Empire ... Europe?!]

- He will somehow be 'diverse from the rest' so we are not certain he will be European

- He will bring 'peace', yet conquer through treaties and war

- He will be very, very popular around the world

- He will be a great talker and speech maker

- He will likely be charismatic and physically attractive ... like King Saul

- He will receive what appears to be a fatal wound to the head

- He will appear to be resurrected from the dead

- His right eye may be blinded and his arm completely withered

- He will enforce a "peace" plan or resolution [covenant] upon nation Israel

[It doesn’t say he signs this treaty, but he enforces some coming 'peace plan' or resolution]

- He may help to get the new Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem

- He will appear to perform miracles ("lying signs and wonders")

- He will require that everybody on Earth receive a mark or identification on their

forehead or hand and nobody will legally be able to buy or sell without it

- He will stand in a new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and declare he is "God"

- Unspeakable terror and war will then engulf Earth for exactly 3½ years (1260 days)

- He will direct the slaughter of millions of Christians and Jews who come to know the Lord

- He will lead the armies of the world into Israel . . . Armageddon.

A Second Beast will Rise.

The coming Antichrist will have a religious partner . . .

"Then I saw another beast coming up out of the Earth,

and he had two horns like a lamb

and spoke like a dragon.

And he exercises all the authority

of the first beast [the Anti-christ] in his presence,

and causes the Earth and those who dwell in it

to worship the first beast [the Anti-christ],

whose deadly [head] wound was healed."

(Rev 13:11-12)

The coming Antichrist will not be alone. Another man, also empowered by Satan, will rule with the Antichrist. This powerful religious leader or "beast" (as God sees him) will rise to power with the Antichrist. In this prophecy God reveals some important information and details concerning this "religious" man of power ...

"Two horns like a lamb," tells us he will emerge with Christian credentials or doctrine, but "spoke like a dragon" tells us he will be controlled and directed by Satan. There are hints this man might even have Jewish blood. This person, along with the religious system he will lead, is referred to as "The Woman Who Rides the Beast" in the book of Revelation. This evil, blood-thirsty "one-world" religion appears to rise out of Rome.

The "Image of the Beast" . . .

"He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak

and cause as many as would not worship

the image of the beast to be killed."

(Rev 13:15)

This religious leader will create some sort of an "image" representing the Anti-christ. All those who refuse to worship it will be executed. It may be something very miraculous, or it may be two-thousand year old vocabulary trying to describe some future technology such as robotics, animatronics, or virtual reality.

The "Mark of the Beast" . . .

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave,

to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,

and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark,

or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

(Rev 13:16-17)

This prophecy is very crucial for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and will be alive when this law is enacted and enforced. This "mark" may be some kind of tatoo, or implanted microchip with all of your credit card and banking information, we really don’t know right now. It will not be easy to refuse this mark, whatever it is, for many of you will have families and children that will need to be fed. But, please be warned . . . by taking this mark, you will have sealed your eternal fate in Hell. In God’s eyes it identifies you with the Antichrist. There will be no turning back for any who take the "mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name." The utter darkness, loneliness, and torments of Hell will be their fate. Blessings are promised in Heaven to all those who refuse to take the "mark" and refuse to bow down to this coming world leader . . . and die in their faith for doing so. The Lord will take the sting out of death.

An enigma . . . 666

"Here is wisdom.

Let him who has understanding

calculate the number of the beast [the coming Antichrist],

for it is the number of a man:

His number is 666."

(Rev 13:18)
quick question for you guys...

If Obama is elected President (Commander-in-chief), will you give him support in the short-medium term to help turn YOUR country around?

I don't agree with his socialist policies, although, I think many of them are skewed by right-wing media (much in the same way McCain's are skewed by the left wing media)... I have seen them tried and 'fail' in Europe. However, with the United States of America traditionally being a center-right country - will he be able to enforce the 'reported' policies he is proposing?

He won't have the budget to do so... if he tries to tax everyone and everything to do it, their will be SERIOUS unrest amongst the people - I can't see it being as bad as everyone reports.

America has a strong social and moral core, if he tries to take this country to the far left (which I don't think he will), people will not allow it.

As for the tongue-in-cheek 'anti-christ', he's a politician... they are incapable of the truth!!!

John McCain has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

Joe Biden has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

Sarah Palin has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

... and yes, Barack Obama has got skeletons and has made some questionable personal and political decisions.

Does he have an agenda to break the US and ruin the country... take a step back, do you really think he wants to take the US away from its standing in the world?

The country is in a bad way, finger pointing aside, it is in a bad way.... I'm optimistic, just as many of us are... but there is no one person to blame, or one group to blame. We are human and will always look for a reason or explanation for the situations we face... my opinion for what's to blame?

CAPITALISM ------ and I am not for changing it!!

Someone on a Q&A page on the web put the pros and cons of it like this:

Pros = It works

Cons = It only works if you do

Fact is, we all want the best and more - not necessarily for greed, but to have the best for our family's and ourselves... nothing wrong with that, we are entitled to it.

... anyway, I'm off on a tangent. :( :confused: :)

One thing the US media (TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Online Video, Blogs, Viral Email...) is good at is propaganda... whipping up hysteria and questioning every last detail of an individual's conduct.

With regard to the content of all the Obama videos, I found this quote"

"Conspiracy theories are like black holes--they suck in everything that comes their way, regardless of content or origin...Everything you've ever known or experienced, no matter how 'meaningless', once it contacts the conspiratorial universe, is enveloped by and cloaked in sinister significance. Once inside, the vortex gains in size and strength, sucking in everything you touch."

"As an example of this sort of mechanism, one has only to mention the so-called 'umbrella man', a man who opened up an umbrella on a sunny day in Dealey Plaza just as President John F. Kennedy's motorcade was passing. A number of 'conspiracy theorists' have assumed that this man was signalling to the assassins, thus tying a seemingly trivial and inconsequential act into the alleged plot to kill Kennedy. It is precisely this totalistic, all-encompassing quality that distinguishes 'conspiracy theories' from the secret but often mundane political planning that is carried out on a daily basis by all sorts of groups, both within and outside of government. It should, however, be pointed out that even if the 'umbrella man' was wholly innocent of any involvement in a plot, as he almost certainly was, this does not mean that the Warren Commission's reconstruction of the assassination is accurate."

my $2 worth = 1.15GBP = 1.48EUR = 13.67YUAN

... Gas is below $3... yippee! :D
Very well said Russ.The more the liberal,atheist ,leftist anti-God,anti-family,
pro-homo,pro-socialist,anti American scum&$&@ in this country
succeed in taking God and the traditional way of American
Life out of America the more this country loses Gods blessings
and protection.The founding fathers knew this
and that's why they made sure God was a part of all things American
when they founded this great country.It 's truly sad when a corrupt,Anti American ,Anti-Semite ,No experience,No balls,closet Muslim(until God forbid he gets elected) has a strong chance of being elected,this piece of Dog a@&
Should not even be allowed to Vote !!!!

I'm not sure if Obama is the Anti Christ I don't think he's remotely sharp enough.I think he is Satan spawn though and if elected will try to
Gut everything that is great about this country with the help
of that piece of dirt Nancy Pelosi,and that evil little worm
Harry Reid.My vote on who is the Anti Christ is Vladimir Putin.Now there's
a cunning, evil,ruthless,intelligent candidate for the Anti Christ!!!! I think Obama will be one of his evil Satans helpers,along with that little evil
Dirt bag in Iran.
If Obama is elected President (Commander-in-chief), will you give him support in the short-medium term to help turn YOUR country around

Very well said Russ.The more the liberal,atheist ,leftist anti-God,anti-family,
pro-homo,pro-socialist,anti American scum&$&@ in this country
succeed in taking God and the traditional way of American
Life out of America the more this country loses Gods blessings
and protection.The founding fathers knew this
and that's why they made sure God was a part of all things American
when they founded this great country.It 's truly sad when a corrupt,Anti American ,Anti-Semite ,No experience,No balls,closet Muslim(until God forbid he gets elected) has a strong chance of being elected,this piece of Dog a@&
Should not even be allowed to Vote !!!!

I'm not sure if Obama is the Anti Christ I don't think he's remotely sharp enough.I think he is Satan spawn though and if elected will try to
Gut everything that is great about this country with the help
of that piece of dirt Nancy Pelosi,and that evil little worm
Harry Reid.My vote on who is the Anti Christ is Vladimir Putin.Now there's
a cunning, evil,ruthless,intelligent candidate for the Anti Christ!!!! I think Obama will be one of his evil Satans helpers,along with that little evil
Dirt bag in Iran.

I'm taking a stab in the dark here... but I guess your answer to the question is no, you wouldn't support him! lol :D

... could you fill out your signature in 'User CP' please.

I'm taking a stab in the dark here... but I guess your answer to the question is no, you wouldn't support him! lol :D

... could you fill out your signature in 'User CP' please.


you are a perceptive little Devil!(No Anti Christ Pun intended! LOL!):D
No I won't support him, I mean how I can support a guy that wants to bring me the type of goverment that is not the way our founding fathers set this country up. Mr. Obama is not and let me say NOT ROBIN HOOD PERIOD.
I think when you punish people that work hard to better then selfs to give to somebody that does not want to better them selfs is WRONG on many levels.

I can see helping out others as I do give money and time to help people out here in town, But it's wrong to TAKE it in the name of FAIRNESS as these Libs tell us and it's only FAIRNESS when it is not their MONEY.......... I mean after all I don't see them giving their money away to these programs only ours. And as for being for the little GUY LOL thats the biggest Joke I have ever heard, the most Millionaires in congress sit on the Dem side and they were not Millionairs when they went into congress, but they come out of congresss VERY RICH, tell my where this money comes from and where the fairness is going to be? On us the little guys that they say they are the Champions of, what a JOKE.

We need Change but not change back to the old take from the so called rich and give to the LAZY platform of the old Dem Play Book. I say if want want real change it needs to start with fresh people and freash Ideas and what were are going to get is not change, only the same old same old.

WE NEED A CHANGE and thats not The change this Obama Dude wants and this congress that is CORRUPT and has plans to spend more then we have..Hold on to your Wallets.....
Let's take the time to appreciate the fact that we can legally have this discussion. That is what America is all about!

In many places, most of the above statements would get you thrown in jail or worse!
I have decided to vote for myself as president... Man I cant believe ( Obama is winning ) the USA believes this man will do what ??? Next thing you know he will be importing terrorist to our country.. Also I dont care much for Mc Cain and Palin, Where did these nut jobs come from.. I guess if Obaa wins , wonder where I tax money is going to go ... Probably to some third world country that will war against us... WTF are people thinking ... This makes me sick..