Obama - Biden Your Opinion ?

Being as last year many blacks were irate with Biden and the fact that Biden has stated that Obama is not ready to become President of the United States then I think it's a wonderful choice for McCain! :)
WHAT a Mistake for Obama :)
My girlfriend wants McCain to pick Mitt Romney.
She is fullblooded Irish, and likes McCain.
She likes Mitt Romney because he is Handsome :(

Politics, go figure ?
I LIKE this choice:)

I used to think Romney was kinda plastic, but now I think that isn't him trying to look perfect--I think that is just the way he is. But Romney is conservative which can help shore some of McCain's weaknesses, and I think he'd be a guy that won't be trying to steal the spotlight from McCain (as opposed to Biden).

Best thing about Romney: he's a successful bizman---been there and done it, in a big way, from scratch. AND he's not a career pol like everyone else....he's actually worked for a living.
I LIKE this choice:)

I used to think Romney was kinda plastic, but now I think that isn't him trying to look perfect--I think that is just the way he is. But Romney is conservative which can help shore some of McCain's weaknesses, and I think he'd be a guy that won't be trying to steal the spotlight from McCain (as opposed to Biden).

Best thing about Romney: he's a successful bizman---been there and done it, in a big way, from scratch. AND he's not a career pol like everyone else....he's actually worked for a living.
My girl is happy :)
She is a staunch republican.
She said she hopes McCain gets in and croaks :)
Then, we will have a Handsome President in Mitt Romney.
Romney is tough, he stood up to the Mass Liberals.
Being as last year many blacks were irate with Biden and the fact that Biden has stated that Obama is not ready to become President of the United States then I think it's a wonderful choice for McCain! :)

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I LIKE this choice:)

I used to think Romney was kinda plastic, but now I think that isn't him trying to look perfect--I think that is just the way he is. But Romney is conservative which can help shore some of McCain's weaknesses, and I think he'd be a guy that won't be trying to steal the spotlight from McCain (as opposed to Biden).

Best thing about Romney: he's a successful bizman---been there and done it, in a big way, from scratch. AND he's not a career pol like everyone else....he's actually worked for a living.

I always have liked Biden

Jon, its funny how everyone even many Conservative Republicans thinks Romney is Conservative, its very funny. Thats how he portraits himself for this election, but many of his stances in the past year or so where totally different from what he said or did most of his political career. He is just saying what the Conservatives want to hear

Romney was Governor of one of the most liberal states (Massachusetts:eek: ) and was very popular even with democrats and even liberal democrats, WHY? Because he was and is liberal, he started a health care plan in Mass the Conservative Republicans did not want, he was liberal with gays and on many other issues. Fact is Romney is LIBERAL ;) and is just like any other politician, trying to do and say anything to get elected back during the primaries. Romney went Conservative during this election cycle, because he knew or thought there was a need for a Conservative candidate and Huckabee he didn't think would do well. Listen to Huckabee about Romney, he many many times brought up about Romney be liberal, not just liberal VERY LIBERAL

So even if McCain & Romney are a team and they win it will be the most Liberal Republican President & Vice President Republican team we ever had in office.

LOL LOL Romney was Governor Of Massachusetts, enough said :D LOL LOL Oh ya he's a real Conservative, its amazing what a makeover, some political posturing and some TV ads can make people believe LOL LOL. Jon I thought you would of seen through his BS, Hell I even like and would vote for a liberal Democrat like Romney, he's a very smart business man and at least he's not a right wing Christian

He used to support Roe Vs. Wade until about 2 years ago, I wonder why he changed his mind:confused: ..........Hmmmmmmmmmm......... to try to get elected

Man you conservitives can be suckered easy, just like you all thought Bush was a fiscal Conservitive, hell he's spent and wasted more money than any President Dem or Rep in history. I guess we all can be suckered pretty easy.

Romney I like, he is a very good bizman, but he didnt do it from scratch, he comes from a RICH family, he's had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth, You conservitives like those guys that are spoiled little rich boys LOL . How are the Christian right going to like a Morman running the country
Romney I like, he is a very good bizman, but he didnt do it from scratch, he comes from a RICH family, he's had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth, You conservitives like those guys that are spoiled little rich boys LOL . How are the Christian right going to like a Morman running the country

I'll look at other points later.....actually, no I probably won't, you are beyond conversion:D

Yes, his family was political and successful.....but not to the level to which he took Bain Capital. He's done other things....everything he has touched biz-related has turned into gold.
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Biden, or whoever else doesn't matter. As long as Hussein Obama's name is on the ticket, it can't get much worse.:cool:

You know there's people in this country that wouldn't vote for an Irish Catholic named O'Bryan, kind of silly that an American any American would be put down because of their name. We, I, you have complained about black men or blacks in general using the system, welfares etc etc etc and now we have a black man that really made something of his life, came from a poor background and a single mother raised him, really made something out of nothing and will be a great role model for other black men and all Americans and we are just going to use his name as a wedge to scare others to vote for the other guy.

I know I'm racist at times, not really proud of it, just a fact as it is for most people, but I really don't think at this point it matters that his name is Hussein Obama, Kevin O'Bryan any other ethnic name
I'll look at other points later.....actually, no I probably won't, you are beyond conversion:D

Yes, his family was political and successful.....but not to the level to which he took Bain Capital. He's done other things....everything he has touched biz-related has turned into gold.

First, it is spelled Mormon, mot morman. Second, Mormons are christian. (Don't argue with me on this, you will lose)

Romney is not ultra conservative, but he is far more conservative than McCain, who I have NEVER liked, even as a senator from my state. The best candidate for prez, would have been our other senator.

Romney on the ticket would put an interesting twist on things. He is frank and honest, he has experience that will let him excel with the economy, and is smart beyond all get out. He was born into a VERY wealthy family, but what you do not know is that he got NO money from his dad to start his own business ventures, so he did build his fortune on his own. I do think his Dad paid for his education, but that is about it.

There are a lot of interesting stories on Romney that would lend one to believe that he has the leadership potential to make a fantastic president, but, this is for Vice President.

That being said, McCain would have to be willing to let Romney do his thing, and listen to him as a counsel in what should be done about the areas that are in Romneys expertise. I don't think that McCain is smart enough, or realistic enough to do that.

Now the question is, will McCain do it? I think that it would be a far more popular choice than many would be willing to admit, but, I think that he would want someone more controllable than Romney would be.
Have you ever read the Mormon Doctrine and the Book of Mormon? Have you examined the teachings of Joseph Smith?

I'm pretty sure he has.
You know there's people in this country that wouldn't vote for an Irish Catholic named O'Bryan, kind of silly that an American any American would be put down because of their name. We, I, you have complained about black men or blacks in general using the system, welfares etc etc etc and now we have a black man that really made something of his life, came from a poor background and a single mother raised him, really made something out of nothing and will be a great role model for other black men and all Americans and we are just going to use his name as a wedge to scare others to vote for the other guy.

I know I'm racist at times, not really proud of it, just a fact as it is for most people, but I really don't think at this point it matters that his name is Hussein Obama, Kevin O'Bryan any other ethnic name

Its not just a name. If his name was a traditional black name like shaqeel or something, it wouldnt be a problem. His name is Barack Hussein Obama. Hussein is a muslim name. I will vote for a black guy, but not a muslim. Not during this time that we are in right now.

And yes he has made something of his life from nothing. But what good does having him as a role model do, when all he preaches is class warfare? What good is it when he bashes our country? Or has a pastor who hates this country? Or who's good buddy bombed the pentagon?

Or lets talk about his substance. Wait. He doesnt have any. Tell me one thing he has ever done to be qualified to be president? Not only will some people not vote for him because he is a closet muslim, or black but most will not vote for him because he is empty. He is a pawn.
Its not just a name. If his name was a traditional black name like shaqeel or something, it wouldnt be a problem. His name is Barack Hussein Obama. Hussein is a muslim name. I will vote for a black guy, but not a muslim. Not during this time that we are in right now.

And yes he has made something of his life from nothing. But what good does having him as a role model do, when all he preaches is class warfare? What good is it when he bashes our country? Or has a pastor who hates this country? Or who's good buddy bombed the pentagon?

Or lets talk about his substance. Wait. He doesnt have any. Tell me one thing he has ever done to be qualified to be president? Not only will some people not vote for him because he is a closet muslim, or black but most will not vote for him because he is empty. He is a pawn.

Do you really think he was Friends of the a holes who bombed the Pentagon?

Bet you $20 bucks he wins. Biden the Irish man will help put him over the top

Hey I'm no great fan of muslims in general either. Don't really like any kind of extreme stuff