Nola was a Homerun!!

The biggest thing I learned about Nola and Thad told me this but I had a hard time believing it until I went, the biggest thing was that this event was about business. They had speakers who hammered home about Marketing, idea's on how to make more money, advertising idea's and what works and what doesn't, success stories on how some guys made it big, things along those lines.

This is my 17th year and I sat around guys back home who made many millions thru businesses, and you can never learn enough from these type guys unless your a "Joe know it all", Type.. Then you'll learn nothing. At Nola I thought it was aimed at Being a greaser or window cleaner and even though they had a strong presence in the room it wasn't about them. The focal point was this meeting was about being in business and how to become more successful at it.

I would put this event very high on a list of places to go to learn how to really make money thru your business. Also the atmosphere led by Thad is a pleasant and enjoyable one that will leave you with some great memories... I mean common how many planners of these events can not only do an excellent job but they can also perform afterwords by singing and playing the guitar along with another Powerwasher who made his own instrument?
I'm not kidding. The Nola event is truly one of a kind.
The speakers were amazing and the whole experiance was awesome! I would have to say that I am jumping on the bandwagon but this is now my favorite event! Epic!

No question it's great !! I've talked with ten people who have all said it was.

Everyone should give credit for sure

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute