Next week,,, I have a plan

Okay, this looks popular! add me to the bottom of the pile.

310-636-8367 fax
I have not yet received a copy, but I would like to see one. If you or anyone else would fax or e-mail it to me, I would greatly appreciate it.


John Browne

tel. 772/219-7907
fax 772/781-9168
What I received was three pages of scanned images that I could not read when printed as it was too small. /When I enlarged it it blew all apart and was illegable.
After I deleted it, it occured to me I was supposed to save to forward. I apologize but if it is resent to me I will gladly forward it.
Garland, if and when jerome gest his copy, he will then need to forward it to you. guys you can e-mail if you want. i just wanted to fax. get it there any way you can.

I think its silly you guys just cant get it there.

Grant, dont confuse this fax with somthing else. this is a 1 pager. simple proposal agreement. I hope someone didnt fax you the shopping center stuff unless you requested it.
What I got was not a 1 page proposal (from what I could make out of it). Shopping center stuff although enticing is not what I do.
I haven't been able to use my fax machine and was using my buddy's.He said a fax had come over from Ron. I haven't been able to see him and ask him to forward it. So can someone fax it over to the next guy for me? Sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone. This is what happens when you have to rely on somebody.
I haven't looked under marketing for a while so I missed this about the forms. If someone would send me a copy I would be grateful. My e-mail or fax at 757-566-1231

Thank you
You can add me to the list. I will forward the email to the next person on the list. This is a great board! Thank you all. Especially Ron.

My email is

The fax number is 704-321-2974
Please say it is for Scott McLaughlin

Thanks Again,

This started out as a good post, But havent heard outcome yet on how its coming along...Seems like everyone is getting lost in shuffle...Please reply the last person who has it...

Thank you!!
Putting the forms on the board

Is there any way just to have the forms on the board so that people can download them directly? That would seem to be a better way to getting them into everyone's hands. Oh, BTW, I'd like a copy as well.

Power Wash of Arkansas
The short answer is no. The board has no capacity for that, however, they could be posted on someones website for download.
Uploading forms

I love the zip idea. I'd be more than happy to test it out and see how it works and report back on the results.

Posting to website

If someone could email me the Forms and a short explanation of posting them I have more than enough room on my website and would be happy to put them on thier for people to download.