NEW VIDEO: Never before seen

I am still trying to discover his credentials. I may be the lone ranger, but I am a cheap son of a gun, and I would really like to know that if I am getting on a wagon that there are going to be horses to pull it. If I am going to have to pay to get on the wagon, you can be absolutely sure I want to know the horses are there.

Personally, after reviewing your video, for someone that wants to be a professional, there are areas that you need to work on, but that is just my opinion.

And Entrepreneur is still spelled wrong, and I am sure that you will agree that if you want to be a professional, especially in the communications realm, you might want to verify your spelling before you put it out there.
Scott, we are businessmen. We hire guys like DJ, they make a few sales, then sit on their laurels and get fired.

I've seen salesmen come into some money, buy good businesses and run them in the ground because they thought all they had to do was make the customer like them and the company and the service only has to barely pass as adequate.

DJ, You want a critique?

Here it is.

You are presenting fine information for the salesman who has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of the service. It is BAD information for a business owner who is responsible for both making sales and keeping up the quality.

Sure, you might make some sales, but once you get the business you won't be able to keep quality at a high enough level to keep the customer unless your quality control keeps you at at least a 7. This isn't car sales where you can screw the customer on a bad deal then wait for them to forget over 3-5 years of inflated payments and come back because they "like" you.

That is why I say your inexperience is showing and you are too cocky to realize it. If only you had held your nose to the grindstone and learned how to give enough of a crap about your customers to not even imagine presenting a "1" on the quality side then maybe you would have a chance.

The only chance you have at the rate your going is to make your quick buck separating unsuspecting "entrepreneurs" from their money.
I did not even read most peoples posts Im just going on the video I saw, honestly I am proud of DJ no matter what he does. I do not know DJ personally but I can tell he is a business man at heart and definitely a hustler! He has passion at what he does and he is the farthest thing from LAZY. And lazy people make me sick. So DJ keep doing what you do and you will be a very successful person in life for short and long term. He has already done more than most people his age and I admire that.
I did not even read most peoples posts Im just going on the video I saw, honestly I am proud of DJ no matter what he does. I do not know DJ personally but I can tell he is a business man at heart and definitely a hustler! He has passion at what he does and he is the farthest thing from LAZY. And lazy people make me sick. So DJ keep doing what you do and you will be a very successful person in life for short and long term. He has already done more than most people his age and I admire that.

I think DJ has a Place, these guys are having fun with DJ. Dj knows what he's doing, he post them here regardless of the responses. WHY? Because he gains clients , looks and traffic to his Vblog.

He is also smart enough to know that the very guys who are giving him a hard time are not his customers.

I think DJ has some very fundamental processes that people need. I only criticize him because i want him to be better.

DJ I called you, i have gig for you if your interested. I need a Fast response
That's a good enough track record for me ..... any my 300+ clients.

Ron is dead on .... I know that people on these boards hate my enthusiasm, professionalism, and spirit. But that is okay bc as ron said, I would never take on certain people from this board as clients. Scott, I do appreciate you pointing out the misspelling .... I will be fixing that today.

As for all of you that enjoyed the video, i appreciate your positive comments and I hope that the video provided you with benefits that will help excel you selling.

My email is in my signature, if I can help any of you or if you have questions please feel free to send them over!
Dj, you know it happened at Charleston. Don't try to pretend it didn't happen just because I accidentally typed Tampa.

If you don't know what I'm talking about there was an entire table of contractors there who can refresh your memory.

I don't hate your enthusiasm. Your drive and ambition are standout traits that few have. Congratulations for excelling in those areas.

Matt Norman, my son and guys like Tony Richardson and my son Chris are about the same age as you are. All three show respect for older contractors and don't go around representing themselves as authorities on subjects they just finished a book on.

I am certain Matt's monthly sales more than quadruple the combined total of all your little endeavors. Matt is an humble, God fearing young man who knows his limitations an doesn't have to puff up like a pufferfish to mask them. And he respects his elders.

Tony Richardson is constantly learning in a very small market and is doing very well for himself while showing respect for those who helped him when he needed help.

My son isn't quite where you are but he's close even though he started over a year after you. He probably has near the same amount of equipment you have but is entirely debt free. Did I mention he is also married and raising two young children AND running my company while I'm gone?

Good luck in separating contractors from their money if they are inexperienced enough to pay for the same information that hundreds of thousands of car salesmen have been sitting in seminars listening to for years. I don't support it.
If you did not want commentary, you should not have put the video out there.

Just a few thoughts, you are trying to sell to contractors. I don't know who the people that were in the video were. They could have been paying customers, or people paid to sit there. I also do not condemn you for your enthusiasm. It is refreshing. There are some things that you need to work on, that I saw:
1. In your training video, you were a condescending.
A. Telling people what to take notes on is pretty bad.
B. Pacing and avoiding eye contact with your audience is really bad, and subliminally says that you do not have confidence in what you are selling, or are lying.
C. The small tight room, and small screen did not help your case, either.
D. Having you be on a stage, in a small room like that is not the best teaching situation. Try a U-shape, in a little bigger room. It allows you to approach each member of your audience, and lets them feel like they have a front row seat.
E. If you go between the aisles in a large room, it will let your audience feel like they are more in touch with you.

Those are just a few presentation critiques that I noticed. Take them as you will, but I have probably spoken to more, and larger audiences then you could imagine. I think that the largest was about 2000 people. I speak regularly, on a monthly basis to an audience of about 400 people. Ron can probably verify that.