NEW VIDEO: Never before seen

Coming next month,

As a child Fayth Shelton had the uncanny ability to score lollipops from the teller at the bank. Just last month she was able to obtain two, that's right, TWO lollipops from the teller without any repercussions whatsoever.

With that experience under her belt she is now offering seminars to teach you, yes YOU, the advanced methods of obtaining anything you want from a bank.

Here is what one teller had to say.... "I like Fayth. She's always nice when she comes in. One day when I had my back turned she took a second lollipop. Some kids are afraid to take one. Fayth took two. I'd say that puts her in a small minority of candy takers."

Did you hear that? A SMALL MINORITY!

If you would like to break away from the pack and be able to take ANYTHING you want from the bank, you need to sign up right now for Fayth's advanced seminar where only a select few will have the opportunity to learn from her PROVEN experience!

For only $999.95 you too can be a part of that SMALL MINORITY! Learn from the best. lol

And heaven knows, she is far cuter then D.J.
Oh, and you might want to spell Entrepreneur correctly.
Nothing wrong with enthusiasm, but if I needed a proctology exam I wouldn't seek out someone who just learned to go Poopie on the potty chair.

Unless pooping on the potty chair is the qualification for knowing enough about proctology to teach it.

Who knows these days with college the way it is. :)
Good luck with it DJ... I had to laugh at the 'FUD' acronym though. In Scotland 'Fud' is a term for vagina... But hey, that's the kid in me!

Seemed like an attentive class, who were you presenting to?

Personally, I don't like all the 'fluff' in the personal interaction - the stereotypical 'salesman' approach has never worked for me or on me. I try to understand and deliver to their Needs, wants and desires... This takes care of any 'FUD' issues...
Btw, have you hit a million in annual sales yet?
Btw, have you hit a million in annual sales yet?

That's no longer a requirement Scott. That kind of thinking is from the stone ages (no pun intended) when guys like Brian Tracy would build a career then share their experiences.

But these days thinking like that is old fashioned. Like winning first place or getting a blue ribbon.

DJ is an expert because of participation. I bet his walls are lined with certificates of participation dating all the way back to grade school a few years ago.

Just in the short time we've known him he's excelled in participation in mowing, landscaping, snow removal, business acquisition, holiday light erection AND removal, web site design, SEO optimization, bank funding of everything from lawn mowers to trucks to motorcycles and now motivational speaking and top level sales instruction.

Who needs a track record with a resume of participation like that?

Quit being so negative Scott.

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I guess I am not worthy. Sorry, I will go back to struggling to buy a new car. I like the CTS-V right now.
This is just too funny! You guys crack me up. hahahahahaha
I also have alot of participation in MATURITY!

Way to go DJ! Looks like things are going good for you. Keep up the hard work. You will always have negative people in your life no matter what, where, or how you do things. I know most of these guys are just messing around but words can either build a person up or tear a person down. Focus on the positives!
ok I watched the video. thought to myself hmmm, sell yourself , your company and then your service , sounds great. went and met with a homeowner this morning,im all pumped up, gonna sell myself, my company and then service. ah ya okay, That all went right out the window. I told her the price and she jumped at it as fast as she could. (and it wasnt a cheap price). like i was the only p/w in the state. no sales needed.

I do like that idea of the self, company and service. it gives someone starting out something to start with.
I also have alot of participation in MATURITY!

Oh yeah? Tell that to the old lady in Tampa you inundated with inappropriate sexually charged banter when she was simply asking for directions. You could have heard a pin drop. Our whole table performed a collective jaw drop. That revealed your sense of superiority over older more experienced people in a way that it would have taken years to otherwise decipher.

Or your disrespectful maneuvering when you stood feet from Ron and offered to provide your inexperienced little services at a rate much lower than his after all your bs "lowball" talk about contractors. Or have you forgotten about getting your ass booted out of the Charleston event?

Yeah mature people talk to old ladies like that. Shelly thought somebody should have bent you over and whipped your ass right there on the spot because obviously your parents neglected that duty.

There comes a point where even good information can be tainted by the experience and character of the speaker.

Keep on doing what you are doing. When you've squeezed what pennies you can out of this industry you will move on to other marks and this discussion will be moot here.

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