New Trailer Sign

I got a good deal on a sign for the back of my trailer. $50.00.
Its 42"X48".


  • EA Sign.jpg
    EA Sign.jpg
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I bought it locally from a place called Custom Signs & Shirts. The material is made out of the same as a yard sign. I just screwed it to a plywood backer and used Liquid nail.
My wife took the picture and I have been using the same picture for all my signs. I got yard signs made a few months ago and I took two of them and screwed them to both sides of a plastic saw horse. I put the sign out in front my truck so passerbys can see it while I'm working.
That looks good.

I just went to the sign convention in town yesterday and they were running samples off all day.
I got my daughter a 4ft x 8ft picture for her wall of girls playing on the beach. This thing looks better than a 35 mm picture inches from your face. It was amazing. There was one company running and giving away 10ft x 30ft pictures!!
The Led stuff was amazing. My Friend who invited me had a 10x30 booth. The entire back of the booth was LED and had High def movies running on it!
Signs are big business.
The sign looks great Ken.

Does it have a UV protective coating on it?

I dont know much about signage, but I see business cards with UV coating option, and they are not exposed to as much UV Rays as exterior color signs.