New to the business but not to life


New member
Hello all,
Just to start things off would like to go ahead and thank everyone for the things that that I have learned thus far from just reading these posts. Im not going to try and bore anyone just wanted to introduce myself and ask a few questions. I am not new to running business from the labor part but as far as the office side of things its always been someone else. Anything you guys or gals could suggest as far as stradegies what I need and the ins and outs of paperwork. Soon I will be purchasing my rig and am trying to obtain as much iformation as possible before that day. My areas of intrest will be along the lines of fleet washing, concrete, brick, buildings, parkinglots, gas stations, etc. Having maintianed a high quality atitude thoughout my life I would like to get this business off on the right foot. Any usefull info in these areas would be greatly appreciated. Don't want to take up to much time so I will end this for now and countinue my searching.

[the only way to go is with your nose to the grindstone]
Welcome tweatherly,
You have come to the right place for information. Read everything, ask questions when something isn't clear and dont forget the search feature on this board. There are multitudes of people willing to help.
There are a lot of questions that you can ask, many of them are questions that the more experienced contractors take for granted. You might want to think up the major questions that you want answered, and then do a search on those subjects. If there is something that you honestly do not understand, and cannot find through a search, you can ask away. There are a few questions that are less likely to get answered byt the experienced guys, mostly pricing questions and how do I go about doing a huge job. In my opinion, if you have to ask that question, you are not prepared or capable of doing the huge job.

Scott Stone