New to Pressure Washing Institute


New member
Greetings everyone Shawn Dunn here.
A little about me, I been in the industrial chemical business for nearly 15 years. 10 years of the time selling industrial chemicals. The rest I spent on site a Cat in Oxford MS in the chemical cost reduction department. And Case New Holland in the same roll. At Cat monthly we pressure washed WWT and plating lines monthly. At Case CNC equipment sumps are pressure washed monthly. Currently I'm selling for Cantol, what drew me to Cantol was there customer loyalty and the product range. When I was selling Industrial chemicals before end users never wanted to talk about switching from Cantol even if I quoted half the cost of Cantol. Cantol offers a wide range of products for every sector. If you have any question or needs please feel free to contact me anytime. Again thanks for letting me join!! Great website I've read a lot of posts and enjoy learning something new everyday.

Shawn Dunn
Welcome to the site.

What chemicals does your company offer that would help the pressure cleaning industry?


ORA-SOLV is a heavy duty, water soluble cleaner and degreaser formulated with efficient, biodegradable solvents one of which is a natural, active solvent whose orange grove aroma enhances the work area.

VANTAGE is a super powerful, water soluble multi-purpose formulation specially formulated with soil cutting ingredients to provide greater strength and cleaning power to attack the toughest grease, oil, dirt, carbon, wax, mildew, ink, soot, grime and other stubborn stains without heavy scrubbing.

EF-90 is a highly concentrated, heavy duty degreaser and cleaner which contains no solvents. The product quickly lifts
oil, grease and other soils from metal and other hard or soft surfaces. The environmentally friendly formulation is
without phosphates and is completely biodegradable.

TECH 736 ULTRA is a uniquely concentrated chemical formulation combining high quality detergents with the oil and grease cutting action of solvents. This solvent emulsion cleaning action enables TECH 736 ULTRA to outperform ordinary detergents by delivering the powerful grease cutting action of solvents, safely and economically.

Also have Disinfectant cleaners, Acid Replacement Cleaners, Mild Acid Cleaners, Graffiti Removal Products.

Thanks for asking.

Ron thank you for the greeting.

Shawn Dunn
Matthew, Samples are always available. Let me know what your interested in?
or what your application is and I'd be happy to ship it right out to you.

Cantol guarantees its products, when used as directed, to do all it
claims. We will send, where practical, a representative to show how
the product should be used and they will furnish any necessary
directions. Should the product fail to demonstrate our claims, the
remaining material may be returned to us and no charge will be made.

Thank you,
Shawn Dunn

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