New Orleans Round Table Registration Closing Soon

I'm lucky- the French Quarter has an extremely high density of restaurants, so I don't have to rely on hotel catering. There are a bunch of killer restaurants and neighborhood bars within one block of the hotel.

Kory, shouldn't you be feeding your guys Grouper Sandwich?
That's tasty!
Chris it could be worse like Tofu Vienna Sausages, Look at the Bright Side they are Nice and Chewy :yikes: :eek:k:


Chewy imitaton protein-like substance. Uggghhhhhhhh. :nono:

Chewy imitaton protein-like substance. Uggghhhhhhhh. :nono:

Try it!
You'll like it!
Hey, Mikey!

Don't get in a tizzy, Chris.
Kory will lay out a good spread for y'all.

Well, for MOST of you.
Thanks to all that attended and participated in NOLA 2009.

I have been overwhelmed by the positive response and kind words from the guys and girls who made this event happen.

I personally feel that this was the best RT I ever attended. Not because of anything that I personally did, but because of the quality of the presentations and the participation and camaraderie of all in attendance. I felt that it went off nearly flawless, last minute cancellations (or lack of) notwithstanding. I enjoyed and benefited from every single presentation and that is a first for me. I hope every one else benefited, too.

We also had the best lunch in the history of RTs, IMHO. I can't take credit for cooking it but at least gimme credit for picking the restaurant. :D
Dont post any pics .....What happens in NOLA stays in NOLA
There were some really good pics of last years event in Nola. I was looking forward to seeing this years....Pics Pics Pics!!!
Dang my guests are only getting Tofu dogs and baked beans. Great spread Thad!


I don't know how you went from Tofu dogs & baked beans to that AWESOME Italian Restaurant... but we sure NOT going to complain !!

We were just wondering what you will have planned for next year's RT.

Best Italian food we've had in a long time !!