New Equipment Idea

One Call Power

New member
I have designed and in the process of manufacturing a ladder horizontal extender that will allow you to place yourself 6' from the wall of a building/residential siding. My thinking is this. Extension Wands are bulky and cumbersome to work with and these horizontal extenders will allow you to work off the ladder at the highest pitches plus allow you to wash up close for a better apperance not to mention not getting as wet with a extension wand.

I respect most on this boards opinions and basically looking for it now. What do you think of this idea and will it sell ?

So far, I am looking at $39.99 for these horizontal extenders. Would this be reasonable in you all's eyes and would you consider purchasing them ?
i do not work off a ladder but i can see certain situation where it would come in handy.

i would be willing to order a set but would like to see detailed illustrations first.
After becoming practiced in the art of using an extension wand, I have not washed from a ladder in over two years..........and I don't plan to.

I come upon situations where this would come in handy.......just not for washing houses.

I think you get just as wet on the ladder as you do on the ground. I'd rather be soaked to the bone then slip off a ladder. The cleanliness of someone's house is not worth that to me, at any price.

Best of luck with it!