New Contractors Only Business Forum


New member
I have added a new forum to my DIY Chat home improvement forum

This forum is hidden from the public. You can rant, you can rave but more importantly.. you can learn in the privacy of just your peers.

Advanced business techniques will be discussed. If you have already mastered the wand and want to make money and learn how to market, sell, open e-commerce stores, rank high in Google, and close your sales, this will be the place to ask questions.

Anything goes in this forum. It is now and always will be FREE. I don't want it to rank in Google so what you type there, stays there.

Anything Goes

The forum is not limited to business discussion though that is its main focus. If you want to type a rant about a job that drove you crazy, go for it. I will post articles covering the basics to advanced stuff. Its an open discussion so feel fre to ask questions from the most basic. If you are ready to take your pressure washing business to the next level come sign up.

How To Join

Follow the link above and sign up like you would any message forum. Click the "usergroups" button and select the "contractors only" group. I have to approve your membership. I will positively not allow any homeowners or DIY 'ers in that section.

Once you are approved you will have access to the private forum. You'll find it at the bottom of the forum list.
Jon, to slow down the spammers I have the board set to user verification. Check your email, you should have a link there to verify your membership to the forum. Then go in and sign up for the private forum. Michael K, Rick P, and a bunch of other guys have signed up.
Great idea Ken, and perfect timing for it too since business is starting to slow down now, and this was the time I was planning to do a alot of work on marketing stuff.
If anyone has wondered why they get poor results from your direct mailing efforts, I have written a three part article entitled "How To Systematically Dominate Your Market" that you may find interesting. Sign up at the DIY Forum and register for the contractor's only newsgroup to read more. Look forward to seeing you there!
For Contractors That Want To Make More and Spend Less

100 contractors and growing! I went through the member d-base this morning and added the profiles that were contractors I know. If I forgot to add you please let me know. I know its a little tricky to sign up for the private forum.

Upcoming Topics

• When Michael K gets the time he has promised an excellent thread on how to build business credit that does not interfere with your personal credit.

• I am going to write an article to debunk the myths surrounding how to rank high in Google. In your area you should be in the top three for local searches. Its not hard to do. We will give you a step-by-step approach that won't cost you a dime.

• As the forum is hidden from the prying eyes of the public, its a great place to share your thoughts on the new org.

If you haven't already, come join up . We'd love to hear from you. Don't like to post? Lurkers are also welcome.
Questions from "new" business owner

Greetings from sunny Arizona!

My name is Sandy and I'm a graduate student working on a mock business plan. I've chosen the power/pressure washing industry because my son (in Colorado) has decided to do a little pressure washing on the side and I thought I might have an end product that will help him in some way.

I have several questions I'd like to pose regarding this industry and wondered if anyone would be able to help by responding.

How many pressure/power washers are there in the US? (I've checked BLS/Census websites, but this industry has not yet made it as a distinct industry category; hoping there might be some figures out there I haven't found yet.)

Do some/any/most states require "special" licensing (short of a general business license) to work in the industry?

I've come across some specialized training (, deckpro?)...are there other places where someone wanting to get into the ppw business can get training?

If I'm wanting to start a part-time business, focused mainly on residential clients, what do these clients "look like"? Age, income level (guess is fine)...any demographic info would be helpful.

What types of jobs are the most requested of these customers?

I've probably exhausted you by now, but any responses would be very helpful.

Thanks, in advance!
Questions from "new" business owner

Greetings from sunny Arizona!

My name is Sandy and I'm a graduate student working on a mock business plan. I've chosen the power/pressure washing industry because my son (in Colorado) has decided to do a little pressure washing on the side and I thought I might have an end product that will help him in some way.

I have several questions I'd like to pose regarding this industry and wondered if anyone would be able to help by responding.

How many pressure/power washers are there in the US? (I've checked BLS/Census websites, but this industry has not yet made it as a distinct industry category; hoping there might be some figures out there I haven't found yet.) I'd prefer to keep my research to licensed ppw's.

Do some/any/most states require "special" licensing (short of a general business license) to work in the industry?

I've come across some specialized training (, deckpro?)...are there other places where someone wanting to get into the ppw business can get training?

If I'm wanting to start a part-time business, focused mainly on residential clients, what do these clients "look like"? Age, income level (guess is fine)...any demographic info would be helpful.

What types of jobs are the most requested of these customers?

I've probably exhausted you by now, but any responses would be very helpful.

Thanks, in advance!

OOps, sorry for the multiple posts...kept saying I didn't have permission to post so I posted again!
