Graphic Designer
Just from what your saying I would run the other way. Don't jump at a big payday just because you need the work that usually gets you in trouble. Trust your gut and you will never go wrong. If you do the work for him charge three times or more what you usually would an hour and get at least half up front. Good luck
I do trust my gut and you guys when you say 'run away'. My dilemma is walking (or running) away from an opportunity to do some upgrades. Yes, my quest for quality workmanship is much higher than his, but I'm also thinking, that if not me, then someone else will get that leg up on me by loosening their moral belt a notch or two just for the cash.
I had a nice long chat with Larry (Millette) tonight and his words are very similar to the group's opinions.
Many things need to happen before I will do the job including a well crafted contract laying out all of his expectations and a check list that he signs off on. A hefty deposit will also be required. But before we get that far, there needs to be a meeting of the minds to figure out what he's thinking he budgeted (or is willing to pay) for what he wants. He won't be controlling my work, so if the numbers are close and I can still do it my way, I may just do it. Keep in mind, a lot of things have to come into alignment for that to happen.