Need feedback on my Louisville Pressure Washing website

It really only matters what you think, not any of the other contractors out there with lots of experienc.

If you like it then keep it, don't let other contractor's opinions cloud your judgement, I am sure you have invested some time and money in it, you say it is working and getting you responses then keep it, why fix something if it is not broke?
DJ, trust your own judgement. Everything you do seems to work so just keep doing what you do. I like the pop out contact form. It can be a nuisance, but so can trying to figure out how to get in contact. Maybe, direct people to commercial or residential at the beginning so your PM's will not have to sift through menus to find what they need.

My opinion about the rotating thing is that people may not want to wait for it to cycle and would miss important info like BBB rating, etc.

Please feel free critique my site, DJ, anytime, I can use some of your insight.

I do believe people will begin to interact more with websites if it is intuitive enough for them. I think a big thing is privacy, too.
DJ, I just spent some more time on it, and I actually think the request a quote pop up is a great idea. There is the option to close it at any point the viewer chooses to, and there are many many people that really don't want to spend time on a site. They just want to get a quote. I think you got something there.
DJ, I just spent some more time on it, and I actually think the request a quote pop up is a great idea. There is the option to close it at any point the viewer chooses to, and there are many many people that really don't want to spend time on a site. They just want to get a quote. I think you got something there.

SWEET!! My thoughts exactly on that man. Just trying to make it as EASY as possible to get ahold of us. ...

On the exit page I look at it this way. If they requested a quote already then great if not i may get them here .... if it makes them mad so be it. By the time they get to that point I will either have them or not.