Need an opinion....please

I guess Severance pay won't be an issue here because they are behind with there payments to start out. The reason I'm asking this is because if you quit and there was a chance to get severance pay then its pretty much out the window.

Is there a chance to get laid off at this company so that way you can collect Unemployment benefits for awhile before you put your self on the books with Your Powerwashing company? This could be another option.

Either way of course don't burn your bridge and leave gracefully and do what it takes to get money owed.

This could be the turning point in your Business as far as it reaching its full potential because now you can devote more time to help it grow.

To be the ultimate optimist here this problem your having with your current employer could be one of the greatest things that ever happen to you when you look back on this.

Good Luck
I have been reading all the boards for some time and keeping very quiet. I felt I had to ring in on your delima.
This is a bit long so bear with me. This Friday, 6/28/02, is my last day at my (17+ years job) as Maintenance Director at a medium sized transit agency. I make what I consider extremely good money but have been very unhappy at it for quite some time. I never was a sit behind the desk kind of guy.
About 18 months ago I overheard my mother-in-law talking about how a cousin of hers had to get a fiberglass shower stall repaired and had a hard time finding someone to do it. To shorten up the story a bit, I started repairing and refinishing bathtubs, etc. last May. I have been fortunate enough to get hooked up with most all manufacturers who sell in our area to do their warranty repairs. We have been doing it part time.
In July of last year my wife lost her job as an accountant due to her employer selling the business. We decided she should stay home and concentrate on our business. Which we have since expanded into pressure washing, another story. Since she has been home, our business has more than tripled. It has to be due to the fact we now have a warm body answering the phone.
Your husband may already have someone to answer the phone but believe me, no-one will care about you more than you do.
I say go for it but as you said, don't burn any bridges.
Bob Warfield
You guys have all been wonderful. Thank you so much for the support. I'm weighing everything very carefully, and expect I'll make my decision Friday, although I do expect that I'll have a couple of different plans, depending on how things unfold.

Yesterday I inquired about taxes. This month's have not been paid, but I am told that they will be and that funds are there for it. I'm also told all the other taxes have been paid. I'm leary.... So I ask to see proof when they are paid, and I get a snappy reply back from the President, who tells me to basically let it go. I was furious. So, I wrote a carefully worded response and went to lunch with Rod.

When I came back there was an email waiting for me, about what a great worker I am, yadda, yadda, yadda.... He tells me he hopes to have good news at the end of the day. Well, the end of the day rolls around and he emails everyone saying he hopes to have news at the end of the day tomorrow.

Bottom line, if Friday arrives and I have not gotten the rest of my money, I'm resigning. If I have gotten some or all of it, I still may resign, or ask to work half time. Not sure which yet.

Beth that snappy reply says it all, let it go he says, in other words I am in deep trouble with money and have not paid all the taxes, SS, insurance etc.

He owes it to all his employee's to be honest and up front and he is not doing that.

He knows you are willing to push the issue and is trying to back you off, buy time or whatever but as is pretty open now his ship is sinking, grab a life preserver and jump ship with a very thing long line attached just in case you need to pull yourself back in.

Give him his dues, resign and tell him your on vacation as of Monday. He gets his two weeks notice and you get your vacation.

After all how much notice would he give you if he says your fired? two weeks, two hours or two minutes?

Smile as you hand him that notice and watch his face, he will be the one that hurts, if he is truly trying to sell the business he needs YOU, you do not need him.

Viva La See Dirt Run!

It's a software company. (manufacturer not reseller) Other than that, not much to tell...


I think all things happen for a reason. I think these problems you are having at work are the kick in the butt you need to do something you probably should have done a long time ago! Go for it!

Not like you couldn't pick up another job down the road if it doesnt pan out.
The way I see this is you will more than make up that money and benefits by helping Rod Out.

I wish that I had someone to help sometimes. You know someone you can really count on and someone who understands. My other half does not work with me, I wish she could but she said she cant handle me.

I think Rod is a lucky man and you guys will make a great team working together full time. the way I see this it may be difficult at first but well worth it in the long run.

Good luck Beth and also a happy B-day.
You guys are the best, you know that? It's like I have this group of big brothers lookingout for me and cheeringme on, and I don't even have a brother- just a sister. lol

Good news is we got the rest of our money yesterday. A big check came in. Had it not, we would not have gotten it. But the reality is they are not likely to easily be able to meet the next payroll, next week. I think I have decided what I'm going to do.

I'll let you know how it goes....

p.s. thanks for the birthday wishes :)
What an amazing day. Well, not only did I avoid the layoffs, but they accepted my terms. I'm working 20 hours a week now. That gives me 20 hours at See Dirt Run!

I hope it works.... more happened after I posted. The company is going to be disolved, and the President wants to form a new one. Some of us were invited to help found it. The President accepted my terms of half time, but my boss was not around. Saw him at the end of the day. Could tell it didn't sit well with him. He want's to talk to me Monday morning. If he gives me any grief, I'm gone. I get the sense it's going to be hard to get what's due me.... But I need to be here at least 20 hours more.

Beth since your in good with the owner why not make it very clear to him how much your boss hates you and gives you such a bad time.

In fact why not simply say you want his job and you want him OUT or you leave.

I personally would not take that crap from anyone. If the owner values you as much as it sounds like he does he will either tell your boss your hands off or replace him with you.

Hey it is worth a try since deep down you want out anyway.

Your older brother Jon.
Hey Beth!

In reading your posts, you have been one of the most

professional ones I have read! You can spell right! I don't see

why if you had to go with your husband's company fulltime, you

could double the work they do in selling! A woman has a lot

softer touch and is less intimidating than a blue collar man!

Unless your making big bucks where you are at, why keep

making the big bucks for the Man. Be the Man, or WoMan and

keep all the bucks for yourself! You seem to follow Dale

Carnegie's method of putting people first! :cool: :confused:
Hiya all,
Yeah, I do put people first. That company has been in trouble for a while. I have been the only one of 4 sales people hitting my numbers. This month, two of us had a good month. The theory is that now that they are going to reincorporate with fewer people, they will be making money not losing it. Personally, having beenin software for 14 years I don't think it's true. I had an offer months ago that would have supplemented my income from SDR and allowed me to jump. But my employer was in the process of being acquired by another company (that deal is going away now) and I felt that since I was the one person who was responsible for bringing in income to keep everyone in paychecks, I needed to stay. As one of the owners of SDR, I feel the same way here. This is why it has been so very hard for me to hold out, but now I feel I have to cut back the time I can offer outside of here at SDR. Our employees are my main concern, and we are on the verge of another huge growth spurt. My sales efforts need to be here at a minimum of 20 hours, and after a point I will move over full time. I would hope that the President of the software company will see that I can assist with his new endeavor andhelp him to get it off of the ground. I don't want this to come out sounding the wrong way, but if my terms are not fully embraced by my manager, I will go to the President. If he has a change of heart, I'm gone.

I can also see how they might take issue with what could appear to be divided loyalty. However, my concern is to work long enough to ensure that:

1. what is due ME is paid
2. what is due those laid off is paid

I can't stand the thought of letting others down or having them suffer due to a decision on my part, but I also realize that I have more than one set of employees to care for and ultimately, the ones Rod and I hired are my primary concern. I can not control the President of the other company, and I do believe he will do everything in his power to see to it that we are all compensated. I'm still filling with the state. Things happen....

Started working 1/2 days today. It's weird... going to take some getting used to. But I am enjoying it. Made some cold calls and didn't get discouraged at all! One of these days soon I'm going out to pound the pavement.

I'm glad I made the decision I did. Some others in the office sound pretty unsure of if they are going to stay or not. It may end up that they have one half time sales person as their staff at the rate they are going. I may be here full time anyway if the other two people quit....


Yep. This week and next the hours are a little odd....
It totals 20 hours each place, during normal business hours. After that it will be half days with a regular schedule. It's making my boss a little nuts, but he'll live.
