need advice quick..roof mine of subdivision

i picked out a house in one neighborhood that was the worst one that i could find. it was also one that i could walk and therefore make the job a little easier. i took before and after pics and the homeowner let me put my sign out front for 2 weeks. the house was on the main street so the exposure was terrific. i gave the homeowner a great price for his assistance and my return was fantastic. one more piece of advice that i may give you is to do it on a saturday. that is when most of the homeowners are home, out in their yard, or passing by at anytime during the day.

good luck,

Don I'm trying to not get caught up in the economy but lets be honest here...most people do not want to spend a dime. Especially on something that doesn't absolutely need to be done, unless they have some rooted growth. I'm sending my next wave a flyers for this subdivision here tomorrow. I got a call on the first wave. An Indian guy or something. Bid him 584, which is well under what I should get...he hasn't called back and I cannot get a hold of him, doesn't even have a voice mail set up. I'm sure he thinks it is too high. These people think services should be free, the roof is mostly not walkable, a deck and plants and landscaping all would be a real pain in the butt, but worth it obviously, I just don't know what the hell kinda prices they are expecting. I am one of the only guys in my area, in a standard economics book I should in theory be able to charge big prices, but not right now.