need advice quick..roof mine of subdivision


New member
So here's the deal. I found a gold mine of a subdivision that has 500 to 750g houses in it. Nearly all of them have growth. My do I go about approaching these people? There is another subdivision just like this that I tried to work, I send flyers in the mail addressed to each house with no response at I want to do this one differently. I was thinking offering a nearly free cleaning for one house so I can put my big 4x8 sign in there yard. Or should I send out flyers again to every house and see what I get first...see if I can make a profit first before doing one free.
Whoa DJ you lost me...the subdivision has probably 50 homes, but that is big for a residential, very nice, wooded area here. So your saying send an into letter the first week and then a flyer like every monday for 5 weeks. Any purpose to that? Have you used it with good return?
This is a repitition strategy. Ken Fenner wrote a really good article about it on another forum, anyone have the link? I think it is called Small Market Domination.

For your purposes, flyers or door hangers would work and are cheap. Are the front doors accessible or are there really long driveways? If the driveways are really long or there are gates you should use the mailing system.

The best thing is just to go up and knock on the door. It will take some balls at first but you'll get the hang of it after a day or so. Do flyers around the whole neighborhood first and then go knockin. Go on the weekends when everyone will be home. Take your rig with you and offer an on the spot demonstration. Sell them on doing the job right then and there. Don't give up until you've booked your certain number of jobs for the day.

I built my business at first on door to door sales. Nothing is better for generating intant revenue, especially when you really need it!
Get a smaller sign.
I agree with Chris. Get out and pound the pavement on them. Do flyers, doorhangers, door knocking or what ever you feel comfortable with.

It would be nice to find a way to get a mailing list for a specific subdivision only. That way if you find one like that, you could get the mailing list for every house in that subdivision and hard mail the heck out of them.
Once you do a job, ask them to tell their friends. Sometimes they will tell others on their own, but lot of times if you bring it up, they will tell even more.
I agree with Chris. Get out and pound the pavement on them. Do flyers, doorhangers, door knocking or what ever you feel comfortable with.

It would be nice to find a way to get a mailing list for a specific subdivision only. That way if you find one like that, you could get the mailing list for every house in that subdivision and hard mail the heck out of them.

Thanks for finding the article.

Kyle, Read Ken's article and apply it.
Or should I send out flyers again to every house and see what I get first...see if I can make a profit first before doing one free.

Don't do one for free. Your services are not free so don't leave this impression. The neighbors will talk and they'll all want it for free. Do a free demo if you like.
Pick a house and tell them you will do it for 1/2 price if he can close 5 roof customers. you can compensate the diff. on the other customers he will bring you. put up your big sign. do half of the roof only.and let them see the diff. as they drive by pass out flyers.the footwork on that weekend will do all the talking. if your work is good. I have done this in sevral hoods that are full of cheapskates with a good return. some people just dont care the way there house looks. Im working on a subd. right now. the association prez. is trying to close the whole subd. for me because i told him i will do all driveways 1/2 off.
I would choose a house close to the entrance and do it for 1/2 price providing he let you put up a nice sign 4x8 too big for that type neighborhood. Get him to contact his friends and neighbors about your excellent work. If no action go on a Sat. door to door with flyers and talk to everyone you can selling your quality work. If no luck go back again, be aggressive and think about how much money you can make. Dont give upsooner or later they will give in.
I like door knocking better.
good old door knocking just cant be beat IF you will only DO IT.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats good old fashined PDC
That means Personal Direct Contact.
Flyers, ads, internet is all good.
But try knocking on some doors, and just introduce yourself, and your roof cleaning services.
Offer a free demo.'
Time has proven sales will just "happen"\

Once you get one sale, knock the neighbors doors, invite them to see their neighbors roof get cleaned safely.
Pretty soon, you will be so busy you wont have time to ask questions :)
Leave a sign on every job too ;)
I did something similar.

I was cleaning a roof in a nice neighborhood and a lady stopped to ask us to come by and give her an estimate. Her house was the first on the main street in and out and had a perfect roof for people to see the difference. She agreed to let us put a 4x8 banner in here yard for a week, that read "proffesional roof cleaning to be done this Saturday July 15 (or whatever date), and some other info. We also put an info box on the banner w/ flyers that people could take home.

We did the Job for 1/2 price,but we ended up getting a few jobs off of it totaling about $2800 (on top of what we made on that job).

I do agree that a gated wooded neighborhood would not be a good idea for that big of a sign because the HOA's will throw a fit.

I would take all of the advice above and do all of it in some form. Theres no 1 way to kill a neighborhood. Just be careful not to over do it where the homeowners get sick of you.
Columbia, there are a few neighborhoods here. Not a whole lot though, I'm focused mainly on the south side. I would like to be the premier guy this upcoming season, there is really no one else that does it here.

The problem I'm finding is that people don't know what it is, and it is not a necessity. With the economy it is truly the people that have bunches of money and really care about their home that even consider a cleaning.