Need A GREAT Logo?!?

Makes me want to not do business with the guy when he would do something unethical like me that's just wrong. I know this is just my opinion, but if you cant get work on your own credit and merit and have to stoop to using someone else's former site to get business, shows me that you aren't the top in your field and that your classless. There is one thing with just buying the domain, but to have it redirected to your site when the guy is still in business just shows what kind of scum bag you can be.....

Maybe there's more to the story. He said he knows Keith. Possibly it was sold to him when Keith quit? maybe it was offered back to Keith at a reasonable cost?

Its always a Mistake here to make assumptions Brother. There's always another side to every story.

Kinda like when someone steals your content or photos, then you find out he paid someone who stole them.
Keith did a lot of work for me a while back and I will use him again when needed.

He did the work quickly, the price was fair and the company he uses for printing (got print) did great quality printing and had great prices.