New member
Ok Guys and gals. I have been doing this for 10 years and have cleaned many of these and had good results. BUT! This one is extremely bad. No one there knows how long since its been cleaned as it just changed owners. The walk won't be an issue but the oils in the actual garage area or thicker than I've ever seen. And a lot is dried up and crusty. I used one of my ring picks to check depth and in some spots its over an inch and most areas its at least 1/4 to half. Usually I apply a heavy, hot dose of degreaser in these areas and let it dwell for quite a while and usually have to reapply one or twice if its really bad. I use a sodium hdrox base degreaser and have heard from some that animal fats like these from fryers etc react better to Sodium metasilicates, or potassium hydroxides? Any feed back. I was even thinking about using a large torch to warm up some of it and scrape some of it up when it softened. I don't think in that state it would be real flammable with all the contaminants. Has anyone ever tried that?