Henry will be saying something at the show....
:dance3:Ron just got my post cards today. Will be bring them to MB.
Thank you:joyful:
Post Cards? arrrrg! I've only gotten 1 LOL...
Hey Scott, I thought you were gonna call me? I even slept with my phone this weekend. No Scott. Hahhaaha!
The girls said your address change wasnt even close. They have the one you gave the other day. If you dont get them i know the ones you need....Relax big guy...
Just curious, have you moved since the first time you gave us an address?
It almost sounds like a conspiracy to keep me from winning. hahahahaha
I am very excited to be going to MB.
What are some good restaurants to go to that are not too far from the Hotel?
Is there anything besides golf to do not too far from the hotel? I do not play golf, I tried but was no good so gave it up.
Chris.. Larry needs your exact address he bought a predator missile he wants to win everything at the Beach :jester:
Chris.. Larry needs your exact address he bought a predator missile he wants to win everything at the Beach :jester:
Chris I don't play golf either.
Theres Broadway at the Beach, but its not at the beach LOL, but its a 5 minute ride away. It a huge entertainmanet area, plenty of Restaurants, Tons of shops, movies, putt putt, 3 D theater. Tons of night life, dueling piano show that's good and funny, Hard Rock Cafe
Georges Seafood Buffet about 6 minutes away, huge buffet like 120 items, I haven't been there in a few years but it was great food. Rio's, is good for a group of people it is a Brazilian style rest, the food neverrrrrrrr stops, they bring it to you on skewers cut it right at your seat. Like 20 different meats, very very good. You can take a helicopter ride cheap, the beach and some tourist stuff. Comedy Cabana about 15 minutes away. The Ex Hard Rock amusement Park its called Freestyle Park, then you have Nick, Kory's and DJ's favorite place Masters, about 150 pretty ladies dancing on the weekend. Some go karts, its a tourist ton it kind of slowed down after the end of August but still alot to do. Its no Orlando or Vegas but there's stuff to do
I have been in this house since 1997, have not moved.
I got the manual from the mini laptop you sent earlier this year so you did have the right address back then, maybe a computer virus or glitch messed it up.
I got the gift card for Lowes your people sent last month or the month before so they had the address correct back then, maybe a glitch in the computer.
Who knows? As long as it is good now. Thanks.