My pool is ready, I have my speedo on

The best thing is I got this thread away from you and your speedo... g night
wait till they actually get you the prize before calling me honest. Usally i give prizes around here and its never enough.

Thanks hope you get something you like.
Lester,,,The prize is a pair of Rons used Speedo's. :rolleyes:
Ah... hell, and I was going to bed, now I can't sleep

This guy on the lawnsite from Bama is having one hell of a cookout.
THAT is a party. That's alot of meat. I wonder how many ears of corn he many tubs of slaw and potato salad....

If you post a picture of you in a Speedo I am going to post a Picture of me in a bubble bath! Hahaha! :)
I've never run away from a Double Dog Dare and I'm not going to start now! Hahaha! Here ya go!
Bubble Bath 003 (Medium).jpg

Bubble Bath 004 (Medium).jpg

Suit up and man up Ron! Where is the Speedo? We've been double dared.