CL Scott
New member
Watch out CL, you better not tell anyone you have northstar equipment or somebody might call you a walmart shopping, homeowner equipment buying, amateur.
Ralph, when I get "advice" or consider outside opinions, here's my rule of thumb:
Always consider the source.
Like for instance, someone negatively commenting on my visual creations when their "videos" just flat out SUCKS! I won't let it bother me (at least not for long) - it's CLEARLY obvious they're unnecessarily jealous of my creativity. Seriously, how can something with music and special affects be labeled as "boring" when the other option has neither? Simply put, it's just what haters do - hate! Like the rapper T.I. says - It's Motivation! Let me clean my jobs, and you clean yours. There's a huge difference between help and criticism. Narrow minded - low self esteem having people NEED to make themselves feel better by pointing out the differences (neither right or wrong) between them and others... I just let them be, no need for me to get down in the mud and roll around with the swine when I know I'm higher and much better than that!